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Smokers Etiquette

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by OrangeSkyz, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. OrangeSkyz:

    I hope you realize that you spelled your location Georgia, "Georiga."

    Good luck on schooling others son.

  2. If you are familiar with my friendship agreement, you would not wanna see how long my smoking rules are :p

  3. Look man, this is getting very old, if your going to sit here and troll my thread because you obviously have nothing better to do at-least come up with something better than a misplaced I. If my personal list of etiquette bothers you so much go to your room light up a blunt and forget you ever read it, please.
  4. How is having a connect etiquette?
  5. Etiquette for a drug? All these rules are the opposite of the whole experience, sitting back and relaxing. Just don't be douche or a mooch/thief.

    "Smoking Etiquette" will not change any laws. Alcohol is legal and I don't know about you but when I hear that word I picture partying, bad decisions, and violence. Not two gentleman sitting around a candle lit room drinking brandy saying please and thank you.

  6. Etiquette: Is a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a society, social class, or group.

    Anyone who smokes large amounts of bud should have their own connection, its easier than having to rely on your friends all the time and if your friends connection is busy or unable to reach you can assist them. What im trying to say is if your friend calls you up and say's "hey bro my guys busy and cant deliver do you have someone you can hook me up with?" They'd expect you to have at least one person you know with bud or at least a way of getting some yourself. Its mainly about everyone in your regular smoking group being self - sufficient and helpful towards each other.

  7. Lets not forget about Prohibition my friend, with enough people, the right people doing the same thing events can fall into place. The mayor of New York (1930's) was often noted going into illegal mob ran drinking dens because he believed in a cause. They had a very strict etiquette to follow because no one wanted to go to jail, the idea of an etiquette has nothing to do with being strict its the simple idea of doing something in a well mannered way, I don't believe any of my etiquette's will stop you from relaxing and having a good time I just expect my friends to not get blitzed and act like morons and simply rebuttal with "Im sorry I was blitzed" its just not an excuse like many others say "If you cant hold your liquor then don't come to the table".
  8. You're so anal
  9. Yay rules cus everyone loves those...:rolleyes: just smoke, don't be a dick, and spread the ganjas love
  10. I agree with you on the mooch thing, but my one buddy never buys weed but he always drives me places and does other favors. He is a lightweight and only has a hoot or two and it doesn't really bother me because he is a good friend of mine. Sometimes that rules over some "stoner code". I also agree with the educate yourself thing, but on the joint thing; you don't need to know how to roll a fucking joint/blunt. Been smoking bongs ever since I started I can roll an okay joint some times but what does it matter, I always have a bong with me so why need to roll a joint.

    Anyway etiquette is nice to have among people but it isn't necessary to enjoy smoking the herb. Chill out about people not being okay with your "rules" and just smoke a fatty.
  11. i see quite a few people flaming this. but i really enjoyed it op. by no means is this the holy book of stoners, you dont have to follow it but their good ideas, i agree that public opinion of us is very important. you can say fuck you to all of society but then how do you share the herb with them. they are not stupid and they aren't wrong- their ignorant- so educate them in a polite manner.(i mean honestly the people who hate on us are usually just misinformed because as a child it was shoved down their throats that weed will kill you, make you crazy, and you will lay around all day and live with your parents). keep up the good work op i will toke one for you tonight and you should toke one for you too bro
  12. I'm a huge fan of people spreading the word about being chill, but this is like the least chill way to do it. Kindly advice is about giving friendly recommendations. The word "don't" isn't your friend if you want to teach a good lesson. Peace and love, blades.

  13. Thank you, I appreciate your opinion very much. I feel many people are taking this thread as me telling them what they should do instead of my opinions towards the people I smoke with. Every guideline I have has a reason, a back story i'd say, i'v known many smokers through my years and most of them ended up in jail or selling their belongings for herb, or getting stuck into the fronting/selling loop because they cant support their habits and have become dependent on the herb.
  14. If i wana be high in piublic il damn right smoke a fattie wen i want. I could care less wat ppl say bout me

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