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Smoker vs Non Smoker Debate

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Larson730, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. Okay so I admit that I am still an apprentice toker. But I still think I brought up some valid points. Here's a debate me and a friend of mine got into. Thought you guys would enjoy it.

    Leo February 27 at 4:51pm Report
    Effects of Marijuana - The Health Effects of Marijuana

    think about this next time you blaze up

    The Health Effects of Marijuana
    Although legalization activists and many marijuana users believe smoking pot has no negative effects, scientific research indicates that marijuana use can cause many health problems.

    Arson February 27 at 4:52pm
    i read that article a long time ago. although it does state some nice points, they never prove it has any longterm side effects.

    Leo February 27 at 4:54pm Report
    didnt you see the part about it having three times the tar as cigs, that means future lung problems dude

    Arson February 27 at 4:54pm
    the positives definitely outweigh the negatives. at least in a medical sense. it's been proven to help fight cancer, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, aids, and a lot of other diseases and disorders.

    Leo February 27 at 4:56pm Report
    no they dont

    Arson February 27 at 4:58pm
    BUT if you think of it, you are not smoking as much as a person who would smoke cigarettes. listen, on average a cigarette smoker smokes anywhere from a pack to multiple packs per day. normal marijuana smokers do not smoke nearly this much. I, myself smoke maybe twice a week. about 2-3 blunts. do the math. say the minimum of 10 cigarettes a day for a week. thats 70 cigarettes. comparing that to a blunt, 3x. 3 blunts is 9 cigarettes. A LOT less than 70.

    Arson February 27 at 4:59pm
    yes they do!! are you serious?!!? have you looked at the studies behind it. why do you think a quarter of the US legallized it medically?

    Arson February 27 at 5:01pm
    PLUS there are multiple ways to smoke pot such as through a vaporizer which filters the marijuana so you don't inhale any smoke

    Arson February 27 at 5:25pm
    Read both pages. National Geographic.

    The Marijuana Debate: Healing Herb or Dangerous Drug?

    Leo February 27 at 8:37pm Report
    its being considered legal to make money, just like cigarettes, theyre bad for you, but it there's money to be made the government will make money off it

    Arson February 27 at 8:39pm
    If it is legalized the government wont make any money. The only money they are making is from medical marijuana. Making it legal gives the people right to grow it, therefore they don't have to buy it.

    Leo February 27 at 8:40pm Report
    yeah they will, its called a tax. just like everything sold has a tax on it somewhere down the line

    Arson February 27 at 8:41pm
    But you're not understanding that they can't tax it. People don't make alcohol in their homes. It comes from a factory where the government can tax it. Sure you can make your own but its difficult. It's so easy to grow pot in your home it's impossible to tax it.

    Leo February 27 at 8:42pm Report
    whatever man, if you can live with ingesting tar and chemicals that'll alter your body than thats your choice. its not good for you and its never going to be.

    Arson February 27 at 8:44pm
    It's my life man. But you do have to realize that I just stated page upon page of valid points that completely outweigh yours. I don't want this debate to interfere with our friendship but you have to realize that I won.

    Leo February 27 at 8:51pm Report
    no you didnt win at all, because eventually your body's gonna pay for it.

    Arson February 27 at 8:52pm
    you didn't read the last 20 posts on health risks did you?

    Leo February 27 at 8:55pm Report
    i did, you havent read the ones i sent you or anything else factual on the internet did you?

    Arson February 27 at 8:57pm
    trust me. i've done more research than you will ever do. I know the risks and I know they aren't nearly as bad as other drugs, including tobacco and alcohol.

    Leo February 27 at 9:00pm Report
    dave, i dont care what you do, i didnt care before you started bagering me about it and i dont care now. your not gonna get me to admit your right in any sense of the word right nor will i ever think that marajuana is something that is ok to do all the time, its a drug for a reason.

    Arson February 27 at 9:01pm
    Tell me this then, do you currently still drink. Because technically it is a drug.

    Leo February 27 at 9:03pm Report
    were done dave.

    Arson February 27 at 9:04pm
    thank you
  2. I use this arguement, I went to a private institution in high school. New Jersey is a top ranked state when it comes to education. My school was very difficult. My validictorian got a 4.67, smoked an eight a week. I never doubted the green since
  3. I understand it's the person's own choice to smoke or not, but at least do some good research before you start a debate. Just pisses me off when people don't know what they're talking about.
  4. there really is no point in telling people who don't smoke you smoke it always comes with arguements, or they just judge you.
  5. i don't even bother trying to educate idiots anymore its not my job. Id rather make fun of them. But normally this is what happens.


    Oh. Bye.
  6. Both people in that debate are dumb.
  7. you're dumb
  8. When the fuck did every thread turn into people bashing each other on this forum?
  9. when the fuck did every thread turn into people bashing eachother followed by the observational jackass noticing it just like everyone else who fails to mention it
  10. Debating is generally not worth it. When people are set on their beliefs just let them believe it. It doesn't effect you if someone thinks it's horrible for you.
  11. they're missing out lmao
  12. This explains it.
  13. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
    Unfortunately none of these fakes are worthy
  14. I know its useless trying to argue I just felt like it was neccesary to educate him. Didn't do much since he's stubborn as hell. But atleast I got my point across. Made me feel good tobe right.
  15. go on
  16. Dave, you are wrong on a few points, but the pin in my side is how you said alcohol is 'technically' a drug. It is a drug
  17. Which points were wrong? Just wanna know for future reference so I don't bring them up again. Don't want to be misinformed.
  18. I haven't heard a single non smoker make a valid point or an educated response about marijuana. Until that day....

    Bong rips.:bongin:

    By the way. Your friends an idiot.
  19. is that like .. true?

  20. thank you

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