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Smoked with my pops for the first time

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PsychoTheRapist, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. First off, My pops is old school, he thinks weed fucks up your brain and leads to cocaine and meth and shit. So last night I come home, I'm old enough to buy beer or get my own place but I'd rather stay with my 65+ yr old dad who I can tell is starting to go crazy. Like he says something and gets mad that you did it; since he forgot about it. Anyways I bring home some Boston market to tear up after I rip a bowl and my pops comes in my room, now I respect him enough to not smoke in front of him, and he respects me enough that smoking was my choice. So I ask him as a favor to come back in my room in 5 mins. He asks me to stop like always but I give him the look and he walks out. 5 mins later I'm ripped and tell him to come on in. We start eating and watching Netflix and he asks me in the middle of eating. "Why? Why do you smoke?" I figure he was expecting a stupid answer like "I just do, or don't worry about it", instead I told him exactly why I smoke. I told him that it helps my bad knee since it hurts at night, I tell him it calms me down which in turn relives my heartburn which I get when I'm upset. And it just straight up feels good.

    He looked at me and just nodded and we kept eating. We were watching louis ck stand up and about an hour in he asks if it's addictive or if there's side effects. Now I remember when I was younger that I asked those same questions right before I tried weed for the first time. So I asked him, "jefe do you want to try it?" "no no no" he declined and did his hat thing when he gets frustrated. I told him there's no side effects, it's not addicting and it could probably help with his shaky hands. He told he'll try it. At the time I was like "FUCK YEAH". I packed him a snap and he hit it like a champ. I've never seen my pops smoke a fucking cigarette and he took the whole hit. He blew it out and asked now what, I told him to just relax and it will come. I gave him another snap and he coughed this time. Not a lot but he did. We kept watching Netflix and he dozed off. I was chilling and saw that he fell asleep so I covered him with a blanket and crashed out. Next morning he woke up before me and did his usual coffee and walk routine. Haven't talked to him since but do you guys think I should talk to him about it or wait til he talks to me?
  2. Just ask him how it went down for him. Next time you smoke ask him if he wants to join in.
  3. That's a cute story :) I hope he had a good night's sleep.
  4. he liked it get him a sack
  5. Nice. my dad used to grow for personal use.

    I have smoked with my mom and stepdad a few times (xmas eve usally) and i even gave them some chronic in there stocking.

    but i havnt blazed with my dad yet. i dont think he does it anymore.
  6. Definitely ask him how it was, maybe next time give him less so he doesnt pass out. Give him just a little before a meal no way he wont enjoy it.
  7. Awesome story! Wish my dad would ask me to join or whatevers. He's caught me nut only laughed about it. I know he smokes but rude to ask (I'm Asian).
  8. Hon, get Dad on Omega 3! Tell him it will protect his heart and will lower cholesterol (which it does). But the articles below are the real reason- Omega 3 protects the brain! (Most folks get a tad upset if you suggest that their brain is "going"- it might be wiser to just stick with the heart heath bit, but you know your Dad better than I do.)

    Omega-3 fatty acids increase brain volume: while reversing many aspects of neurologic aging. (full – 2010) Omega-3 fatty acids increase brain volume: while reversing many aspects of neurologic aging. - Free Online Library

    Alzheimer's: Diet 'can stop brain shrinking' BBC News - Alzheimer's: Diet 'can stop brain shrinking'

    Deficiency of Dietary Omega-3 May Explain Depressive Behaviors (news - 2011) Deficiency of Dietary Omega-3 May Explain Depressive Behaviors. - Free Online Library

    How Long Before Fish Oil Works on Depression to Lift Your Mood? How Long Before Fish Oil Works on Depression to Lift Your Mood?

    Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency in Mood Disorders: Rationale for Treatment and Prevention. Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acid Defic... [Curr Drug Discov Technol. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI

    Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Psychiatric Disorders: a Review of Current Literature. Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial... [Curr Drug Discov Technol. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI

    Wise up! Wise up with omega-3: can omega-3 benefit brain health? - Free Online Library

    O-6 vs. O-3 ratio (READ THIS!)
    Omega-6 to Omega-3 Ratio - Discover the Shocking Reality That Ruins Your Health More than You Think! - Free Online Library

    When your brain doesn't get Omega 3, your CB1 receptors (and likely other g coupled receptors) can't be made right. When the receptors are defective, messages don't get sent to your cells which can lead to depression and other mental problems!

    “Nutritional omega-3 deficiency abolishes endocannabinoid-mediated neuronal functions.”
    Unbound MEDLINE | Nutritional omega-3 deficiency abolishes endocannabinoid-mediated neuronal functions. PubMed Journal article abstract

    Granny’s translation – “The US diet sucks big time and we are fat, undernourished, and crazy because of it. We get WAY too much Omega 6 and not enough Omega 3. Not getting enough Omega 3 can make you crazy because without it, the CB1 cannabinoid receptors in your brain aren’t made right- a chunk that is supposed to be attached, isn’t! Broken receptors give you “impaired emotional behavior”. So we think it’s the low Omega 3 diet is making the US totally nuts!”

    Now YOU might want to start taking Omega 3, too (make it a late resolution)! Those CB1s that prevent depression are the very same ones that get you HIGH! If your diet is low in Omega 3 (and it is!), you are not getting your optimum high! Broken CB1s can't lift depression, nor can they get you feeling stoned!

    Walmart usually has fish oil on sale. It is available at any drug store and most supermarkets. Both you and Dad could benefit from adding it to your diet!

  9. Your story warmed my heart :) I would wait for him to say something to you but mention it some time soon if he doesn't say anything.
  10. The granny!! Thanks il tell him!

    Talked to him not too long ago, asked him how he liked it, asked me not to do it anymore but if I do to invite him, crazy old man.
  11. thats awesome, wish my dad was still here so I could light one up with him.

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