Smokeandflys' organics

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by smokeandfly1224, Mar 2, 2016.

  1. So I decided it's time I make a journal. I'v been a member of gc for a long ass time, but I'v never made a journal I just always post in the Midwest growers thread. But anyway, I run a water only organic soil that I mixed myself with the buildasoil cc peat moss nutrient mix. Veg is about 4 x 4 with a 400 watt mh and a 300 watt mars hydro, right now there's 1 shiva, 1 cotton candy kush, 1 mystery seed, 3 blue dreams, and one chill factor in veg. Flower is also 4x4 but with 1000 watt hps, in flower we have 3 blue dream, 1 sour diesel, and 1 mystery seed. I also have a little 24x15x24 box with 2 cfls and a bubble cloner, obviously this is for clones and seedlings. Everything is cooled by a 435 cfm durabreeze inline fan and smell I'd handled by a big ass durabreeze carbon filter. I think that's everything. Here's some pics from 2 days ago, I'll update later today with pics of the changes I made.[​IMG]




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  2. I don't remember how old any of the veg plants are but the others have been in flower since February 10th

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  3. #3 smokeandfly1224, Mar 3, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
    Picked up a bottle of ful-power, and 100 grams of subculture M which is a myco supplement. Just add the myco to all the pots and some to the cooking soil. Gonna water with an ACT that has the ful-power in it at next watering and am gonna do a foiler spray with neem and the ful-power on Friday before lights out. Also added a little of each to the cloner just to see what happens
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  4. I'll sub up to here lol glad ya finally decided to make a journal, they're a lot of fun

  5. I knew my Midwest people would come thru. Thanks, I'll try to not bore you but nothing to exciting is happening for the next couple weeks

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  6. Lol you been to my thread? Sometimes we will go pages just talking lmao gets a little time consuming but never a dull moment

    No worries man
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  7. I'v been there, I think I've been a part of those pages a couple times lol

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  8. Sup mind if i sit in? It'll be neat to see what those additions to your cloner do.
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  9. The more the marryer. I quess I'm more popular then I thought, 12 hours and I already got 2 people following

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  10. It only gets crazier from here man haha
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  11. I will sub up in hear if you don't mind.
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  12. Sweet that's 3, and my first three people are some of the best. Now I feel like I have to do good

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  13. Found an ugly leaf on the bottom of my sour diesel that's 4 weeks into flower, I'm hoping it's just from the canopy being to thick, but that's not my luck. Any ideas?[​IMG]

    Here's a pic of the whole plant[​IMG]

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  14. How low was it? Looks pretty typical if it's a low down leaf. If the leaf was touching the soil or when you water it gets drenched each time it would do that to it, but go for overall plant health, and that plant looks great man! No worries lol

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  15. It was literally the very bottom leaf, so it's most likely nothing like you said. I just get paranoid sometimes, and thanks that means a he'll of a lot coming from you.

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  16. Sprayed the new spray and watered with ful-power this morning at lights out. It's the first time they've had the ful-power, and it's also the first watering size adding the subculture M to the soil.

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  17. Also did a soil test for N-P-K and it said high N, low P, and low K. Which I don't understand cuz I made this soil with better compost and much better amendments from BAS and better ewc. So I'm gonna get another test and test a different pot deeper in the soil. I also top dressed just in case and I gotta pick up some molasses for next watering

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  18. Your soil should get better the longer you use it. Some of the stuff we put in to the soil take 6-12 months to break down. From the pics your plants look to be happy, so I would not worry to much.
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  19. Yeah I watered with the ful-power yesterday morning and the 24hr difference is crazy. I'm gonna take a pic at lights out and show everyone, I don't feel like moving 5 heavy ass plants to take pics without the hps

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  20. Sup smoke, major is right on... Those soil tests show what's immediately available I think, not what's bound up to humus... So it's not surprising that n is high and p and k are low... The cool think would be a soil test before and after adding Fulvic acid to see the chelated material made available... But please don't add more Fulvic to your plants yet you'll scorch em... Also that leaf looks like shit but the plant looks amazing. So that's good!

    The Shit Show
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