Smoke with friends or by yourself?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by XxMatt420xX, Mar 26, 2009.

  1. I used to smoke with my good friends all the time, like at least once a week. Then some shit happened and now more recently I've just been buying weed and smoking by myself. I still smoke with other people every once in a while, but I kind of feel weird when I'm high in public. I never used to smoke by myself but now it's usually what I do when I pick up. So my question is do you guys normally smoke by yourselves or with friends?
  2. With friends usually, although today first time by myself
  3. I used to smoke by myself more often, but I've realized I just enjoy it more when I'm smoking with other people. If you're with the right crowd, and you like the people you're chilling with, it's really just a great mood enhancer, and definitely leads to some great conversations. :smoke:
  4. Friends is better, but smoking is never ever bad by yourself!:smoking:
  5. i used to smoke by myself every night. but i made some friends and they are now my BEST FRIENDS and i smoke with them now.
  6. I ask a buddy if they want to smoke, and if it's a no, then I don't mind smoking alone :). It is better with a friend though, no doubt about it.
  7. Either or. I enjoy smoking 100% wether I'm alone or with others.

    There's nothing like being all alone, starting up my favorite playlist, lightin' up and chillin', just thinking about whatever I want to think about and reflect on things.

    There's also nothing like having a ton of your good friends around, passing blunts and bowls all over the place, playing games and making fun of each other, generally having the time of your life, either.
  8. QFT

    Although I tend to lean towards being alone so I can reflect.
  9. Gunja, this is my first time smoking by myself too....

    I'm kinda diggin it. I'm feeling really creative, really at home with myself, not needing to worry about what anyone else wants or needs....not having to play hostess, girlfriend, best friend, sister, or daughter.....just being me.

  10. I used to smoke with my friends ONLY...then one day i realized that I threw up the most shit all the time and no one else would ever hit me back, so I stick to smoking by myself until maybe one day i can smoke with someone who respects myself and the herb enough to share without bitching.
  11. for me i dont like smoking with people because i get all self consious and have 2 think about everything that i say so i basically will be real quiet. but its better 2 roll with people because its the complete opposite:)
  12. i always seem to get higher when im with a few other friends. But i have smoked with.. well.. undesirables... buzzzzzzzkilllllll
  13. I honestly like both. They're both really enjoyable in different ways. Other people produce bonding moments, laugh attacks, and general silliness. Being by myself allows me to have complete freedom over what I want to do and makes me more introspective and thoughtful.
  14. I Smoke in my house and wiiht my wife and one other friend and thats it. I go for walks in the woods and shit, but I leave everyone else outside the circle.:smoking:
  15. It doesn't really matter either way to me, to be honest.
  16. Both are good. Smoking alone more though is my preference. Alone I can act how I want, do what I want, listen to what I want, watch what I want.

    It's good to get high once in a while and talk with friends though.
  17. Smoking with some good friends is never bad, but personally I have a guaranteed good high if I'm by myself.
  18. smoking with friends is tight, but i like blazing with only one person or by myself the best
  19. I agree with the posters that say they like both. I think there are pros and cons to both. When you are alone you can reflect and do creative things like write a story or do a project or watch a movie of your choice or listen to mustic . But when I'm with my friends I tend to laugh my ass off and have a great time. Both are fun though. I dont think its really healthy to do just one, its nice having the balance of sometimes smokin by urself and sometimes smoking with friends.
  20. I'll smoke whether I'm alone or with friends. Smoking with friends is more of a fun and social kind of thing, smoking alone is more of a relaxing and 'reflecting' kind of thing.

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