Smoke a bong for zippoweed !

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Zippoweed, May 14, 2011.

  1. I smashed into a $30,000 brand new four wheel drive last sunday whilst baked,

    Smoke a bong for me guys because I won't be able to pay for any bud for the next 3-4 months :'C
  2. if you cannot handle driving well stoned then you should not get stoned then drive
  3. accidents happen, but yeah dude don't get under the influence of anything and drive again, hopefully you learned your lesson
  4. Ironic part about it, it was more human error then stoner error, it just so happened that I was stoned, I was reversing into a car park and took one hand off the wheel to wind up the window.

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