Smarter or just common sense?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by TokingToker, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. I don't know if it's the weed or me. As we all have/had girl problems they get easier to understand. So I was texting my girlfriend while I'm fairly baked, so we've been on a break for about 1-1 1/2 weeks. I don't remember. So today she texted me saying she was going to see me on thursday (tomorrow) then I asked her again and she said "I think" So I go berserk and say "Why?" and then her reply "Well just incase we change our minds" So I'm like ok and then she txt's me back with But... Here am I all happy and baked waiting to see my girlfriend... and she says but., well every guy knows but is always an exscuse.

    Then she lets the bull out of the pen and says "Kelly asked me to go to the mall way before I said I was going to see you and I forgot about it". Then she says "I won't if you don't want me too" So I'm sitting here like you can't be f------ serious... So I just throw my phone off my desk and I'm pretty pissed off.

    Well I don't really smoke much, but when I do I notice that she always does something like that. When I'm not high I don't really get mad or anything. Now I need help to determine if that's the weed or me.. What do you guys think about this little story?

    Sorry for wasting anyones time I had to get this off my chest.
  2. Wait, what are you mad at?

    lol sounds like an honest mistake to me.. man if I was high I would just be like KAY and go about my business. If it's something she does regularly, though, beat her. You kinda strike me as one of those guys.
  3. I would never hit a woman.

    Here's what pisses me off:
    -She claims to miss me because of our break
    -She gets bitchy at stupid stuff
    -I told her how I wanted to see her and I didn't want the break to go on any longer because I miss her to much. and She said she'd see me tomorrow, but then she changed her mind, to go out with a friend to the mall.
    -I can't call, see, or talk to her unless it's on aim or txting.
  4. It sounds like you have some anger issues and a humorous high school relationship situation...Its not the weed though, if thats what you're wondering. You just sound like you need to control your attitude/anger more.
  5. Just sounds like a relationship that's not working, to me. Maybe she actually did tell her friend she'd go to the mall with her first. She told you she wouldn't go if you didn't want her to, so why didn't you just tell her that instead of getting all pissed off?
  6. I'm glad you asked that, if I did ask her not to she'd probably be mad at me, most of the time when i tell her that she was, and I don't want that. I'm afraid to state my own opinion, if I said that to her, she'd probably argue with me.
  7. hey man fuck that, my girl does it too, its just women man, dont even try to understand, i gave up a long time ago. :p
  8. Yeah man...i know some girls are straight up and honest, but others just fuckin PLAY with your mind!! Always comin up with excuses, "i promised i would hang with my friend tonight" or "i forgot to call you! im sorry" (bullshit bitch, just tell me you dont want to chill so i can find somethin else to do). It pisses me i tend to act disinterested to get them to go for not going to spend my time trying to date a girl that is pullin my leg.

    end rant (my girl really pissed me off tonight errrrrrr)

  9. This guys right on the money. This girl im dating right now just messes with my head...then i just act like im not interested in her and she wants me again...crazy shit man.
  10. Dude, i had a gf like that, always blamed our breaks on school and parental stress. (from her parents she isnt a parent) and i always got kinda pissed at the bullshit exscuse and stuff. Dont get me wrong i love her to death but she just is...well shes her. And recently with my "arrest" she wont even talk to me at all..We used to talk everyday on aim almsot everyday on the we talk on aim once every couple weeks, and she says "my parents dont like me talking to you so i cant talk long"....i fucking love her so much and its all being friends all say dude wtf are you doing she is treating you like shit! even before the arrested thing, and i just never really cared/saw it that way, that she was treating me like shit. I could go on and on about waht she does...well used to do to me since she wants me to spontaniously combust and rot in hell now, but 1. Im not a real big typer, and 2. Its too damn depressing. Everything reminds me of her, and i always get sad. I miss her so much she was so great and she made everything better...Sorry if i sound bitchy it just helps to vent a bit.
  11. Yeah it sucks when you make plans and then they say they forgot about their other "plans" Well she came out, she said she missed me alot and she would spend tomorrow with me. Basically because I didn't talk to her. But yeah that kind of shit pisses me off and makes me depressed, but when she's not like that she can be the best woman I ever known. When will guys ever understand these monsters that bleed for a week and not die?

  13. And then you could tell her to not make promises she can't keep, and she'd be the one in the wrong for telling you she'd do something that she was going to get mad about.
    If she is the kind of girl who does that "I won't if you don't want me to" and then gets all pissed off when you ask her not to kind of shit, then dude, she's dumb.
    A lot of girls do just like to play with guys heads, so hell, just dump those girls when you find them and wait for the few who are honest and don't fuck around. :p
  14. ...sounds like shes begging u to stay home and toke up

  15. I don't know you or her or anything about this situation that you haven't included, obviously, but heres my first impression.

    this girl cares something about you, or why would she offer to change her plans for you. it may aggrevate her some to change her plans, as it is kind of selfish of you to ask her to. I really fail to see why it angered you. peace
  16. Lmao, I think people are coming in way too stoned. The reason why I am/was pissed is because she said she missed me alot, now if she missed me alot, she would want to see me on that day, regardless of going to the mall with her friend.
  17. was he joking? :D :smoking:

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