smart stoners...?

Discussion in 'General' started by MrLanky, May 2, 2006.

  1. I fell that we r all smart it just depend on the conversation. I can talk about jeeps andrdiovascular health all day but some other things(like algebra) I suck at. I know what you mean though, I have met many sroners who r very amsrt, and now that I think of it I do not smoke with anyone who is a dumbass. Yeah. JOE>
  2. smoking does not make you dumb at all, My IQ is a 135 and ive been smoking for quite a while, so = \
  3. I have a 87% avg in grade 12..ALMOST DONE :D
  4. For sake of deviation, im retarded.
  5. you just had to be different....

  6. Well actually I think every person is intelligent in some way or another, and anyway if you ask a group of people wether or not they're smart, not many are gonna tell you they're stupid.
  7. im at the second highest rated public university in the country. only place i applied. (toot toot)
  8. i know i spamming but fuck it:

    if you really think about it, if a person is motivated to become intelligent; the best thing for them is for their personal view to be as seeing themselves as dumb, thus creating more motivation. an un-ending loop leading to intellegents or smug.

    personally, i am that way discribed above, thats how i made the theory(duh).
  9. "Evolution made civilization steward of this planet. A hundred thousand years later, the steward stood before evolution not helper but destroyer, not healer but parasite. So evolution withdrew its gift, passed civilization by, rescued the planet from intelligence and handed it to love."

    ~Richard Bach~

    IMHO if you're smart enough to cultivate a Marijuana plant that's plenty smart of enough.

    Stay green!
  10. I'm a sophomore at U of Miami for pre-med, I guess I'm smart...No genius, but when it comes to academics, I rock.
  11. Hey, if I were in a group of people and you asked whether we're smart or not, I'd tell you they were stupid! :D :D :cool:
    I haven't met anyone in a long time who even knows who Richard Bach is! Where is that quote from? I can't place it.:confused:
  12. I read on Yahoo news a few weeks ago that daily marijuana use actually increased the amount of active brain cells in rats and promoted the growth of new brain cells. It also said that they expect marijuana to have the same results on the human brain but they havn't been able to do test on humans yet. I'll try to find the article, if I do I'll post it here.

    Here is a link to the article, and I just copied and pasted in here as well.

    A synthetic chemical similar to the active ingredient in marijuana makes new cells grow in rat brains. What is more, in rats this cell growth appears to be linked with reducing anxiety and depression. The results suggest that marijuana, or its derivatives, could actually be good for the brain.

    In mammals, new nerve cells are constantly being produced in a part of the brain called the hippocampus, which is associated with learning, memory, anxiety and depression. Other recreational drugs, such as alcohol, nicotine and cocaine, have been shown to suppress this new growth. Xia Zhang of the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada, and colleagues decided to see what effects a synthetic cannabinoid called HU210 had on rats' brains.

    They found that giving rats high doses of HU210 twice a day for 10 days increased the rate of nerve cell formation, or neurogenesis, in the hippocampus by about 40%.

    Just like Prozac?
    A previous study showed that the antidepressant fluoxetine (Prozac) also increases new cell growth, and the results indicated that it was this cell growth that caused Prozac’s anti-anxiety effect. Zhang wondered whether this was also the case for the cannabinoid, and so he tested the rats for behavioural changes.

    When the rats who had received the cannabinoid were placed under stress, they showed fewer signs of anxiety and depression than rats who had not had the treatment. When neurogenesis was halted in these rats using X-rays, this effect disappeared, indicating that the new cell growth might be responsible for the behavioural changes.

    In another study, Barry Jacobs, a neuroscientist at Princeton University, gave mice the natural cannabinoid found in marijuana, THC (D9-tetrahydrocannabinol)). But he says he detected no neurogenesis, no matter what dose he gave or the length of time he gave it for. He will present his results at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in Washington DC in November.

    Jacobs says it could be that HU210 and THC do not have the same effect on cell growth. It could also be the case that cannabinoids behave differently in different rodent species - which leaves open the question of how they behave in humans.

    Zhang says more research is needed before it is clear whether cannabinoids could some day be used to treat depression in humans.

    Journal reference: Journal of Clinical Investigation (DOI:10.1172/JCI25509)
  13. [​IMG]

    I have a database of knowledge, quotes, anecdotes etc. that I keep. Richard Bach is part of that and as to this particular quote attributed to him, I'm not completely sure under what circumstances he made it, just thought it captured so much of what I believe.
  14. I dunno alot of people say I'm smart, but then again, alot of people are dumbasses.

    I debate politics,law, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and sometimes literature any chance I get, but that doesn't really make me smart, just a smart-ass.

    I did get 34 on the ACT though.

    I dunno, you guys tell me :smoking:
  15. Wechsler-tested IQ of 147 and pending Mensa member; 99th percentile SAT scores.
  16. All of your posts lead me to believe that you are very smart :D
  17. Thanks man, i appreciate that!
  18. All that propoganda about weed making you 'tarded is pure bullshit. Since I started smoking weed at 15, I've learned to be more tolerant and respectful of other people, 'coz before, I was a pretty big bitch to people that I didn't fully know and trust. Now, I'm way more easygoing. Oh, and I graduated high school early and started going to university when I was 16, and it was all paid for by the state 'coz I was a I don't think weed has made me stupid at all. I actually once got absolutely blazed-diggity before a french oral exam, and I got 96%...oral exams are hard enough in fucking English! haha. Toke on, my children.
  19. #39 TheHighRoad, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2009
    Yeah, I hate those stereotypes. I'm in the top 10% of my class, have over a 4.0, am in AP classes, and got into several colleges plus scholarships. Many of my friends are the same way. Sure there are average or below average stoners, but there's no correlation between pot use and their intelligence.
  20. I never did good in highschool.. it just didnt interest me at all..

    It's not that it was hard at all it's just i had no motivation to do my homework and all that stupid shit i got 90's and above on pretty much all my tests

    still barely graduated though

    id like to consider myself intelligent but its my mind not like it matters if somebody thinks im stupid cuz i got bad grades

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