ok blades i need some help, ive had insomnia my whole life and since i started smoking my body got used to sleeping for once so without it my pre-existing insomnia is multiplied. i honestly havent felt this shitty since i was in school waking up at 6am every day after not being able to sleep. its one of the main reasons i dropped out of school. i just couldnt deal with it. even if i did get out of bed i had to walk to school where i would be to tired to pay attention anyway. and my grades reflected it. ive also lost a job due to my insomnia. herb is the only thing that has ever worked for me that isnt addictive. so ive been dry for a week and i havent slept well since, ive had a total of maybe 10 hours of shitty sleep all week. what are some things that will help me sleep? melatonin doesnt help me at all, in fact half the time it keeps me up all night. someone in another thread posted some tea of some sort thats supposed to promote relaxation or something. the thread wasnt about sleeping and idk what it was :/ tl;dr: melatonin doesnt work.
Walk it off. That's addiction. Best to get natural sleep, then go back to smoking. Luckily it's only weed, nothing serious. If sleep THAT important, Tynenol pm.
i should probably clarify in the OP that ive had insomnia my whole life and since i started smoking my body got used to sleeping for once so without it my pre-existing insomnia is multiplied. ive never had natural sleep.
try alcohol temporarily read a book before bed and dont expose yourself to light from a screen (ipods, tv, etc.) 1-2 hours before bed. theres other medications as well
I have mild-insomnia as well, and whenever I hit a dry-spell, I take 1 Trazedone from my brother's bottle 30 minutes before bed and I'm out like a light for 8 heavy hours. I only take it for two nights before my body kind of puts up without weed for sleeping, but I have to wear myself out or not eat before bed to help with it. But then I pick up again and the cycle repeats.
flourescent life forms from the bottom of the ocean kept in jars lawl no just keep it to an absolute minimum. soft light as well
Screen Reading Before Bed Still Bad for Sleep, and We All Still Do It Reading on iPad before bed can affect sleep habits - latimes.com Nighttime Computer Users May Lose Sleep dam it do be hard to quit the electronics a few hours before bed time tho
what do you do during the day? do you excessive at all? how do you eat? what is a normal day like for you?
look at my post count, i havent even been here for 3 months. that should answer your question lol. but im broke, have no gas, and no job right now so i really have nothing else to do.
seriously exercise is what makes you sleep better, if ur on gc all day, u might not ever burn enough calories to get tired.
I know the feeling man. I have had real bad insomnia since before I started Kindergarden roughly 24 years ago. Weed is really the only thing that helps other than the few prescriptions I have tried. Alcohol makes it worse for me. Benadryl gives me horrible anxiety and I can't sit still. Over the counter sleep aids usually don't work but just make me feel groggy as hell while I can't sleep. Exercise does nothing for me. I used to be able to just deal with not sleeping for a few days at a time but as I have gotten older it's gotten to where it really affects my day to day life. Of course I'm to poor to see a doctor and I haven't smoked much since October do to losing my job of eight years and getting stuck working in a fucking Subway at 30 years old. I feel your pain.
If you need weed to help you sleep, you have an addiction. Unless it's for a medical reason... even if you do have a medical case of insomnia, it isn't good to be dependent upon cannabis every night to help you sleep. I used to have really bad insomnia, but it came down to my sleep patterns being fucked up. Back in the old days, farmers got up early, then went to bed when the sun set. This is how our species has adapted to sleeping and its the best way to control sleep; wake up early, go to bed early. If you don't have a job that requires you to wake up early, or school, and you sleep in till 12 in the afternoon, then of course you're not going to sleep at 10 or 11 at night. No one should "need" cannabis to help them sleep. If you wake up early, at around 6 or 7, and still can't fall asleep at 10 or 11 at night; then using cannabis is a legitimate excuse. But when a person sleeps in all day, then tries to go to sleep at 10 or 11, of course they won't be able to.