Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by stoned4life123, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. anyone like skrillix?..maybe bangarang..scary monsters and nice sprites, or the new mortal kombat reptile theme?

  2. I was a fan of Sonny Moore before he had a mid-life
    crisis and became Skrillex. I was a hardcore fan of
    From First To Last in my 'angsty' teen years.. Then he
    decided to leave the band and pursue his passion for
    dubstep/electronic music.. the new singer that replaced him
    ruined the band for me so I quit listening to them.. When it
    comes to DubStep, I'm more into Borgore than Skrillex..
  3. is there no one here that likes dubstep?..the mortal kombat REPTILE theme is chill

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