Jesus Christ my fuckin entire package is like in extreme pain im going to the ER RITE NOW. WILL THEY GIVE ME OPIATES . i was popshovin it on the board nd it came back and it like perfectly landed inbetween my legs and squished my ballsack and i passed out from the pain im dying.
You MIGHT get percs, depending on how bad it is. But if theres really no injury then i doubt it...But damn that sucks, i used to skate when i was younger and i can remember plenty of times i got poped in the nuts
I dunno if they'll give you opiates just for that. They will probably tell you that the pain will only be temporary and that you're gonna just have to wait for it to subside- especially if it's a female doctor, they just dont understand. Ouch man, hope they feel better soon. There's no worse pain in the world.
They will if it's a true injury.. if it's just something temporary or no lasting harm was done, then MAYBE a minor opiate, but probably not.
dude hahahah. i'm too tall for this to happen (my inseam is longer than 30.5 inches or whatever size deck you ride idk...) but that sucks. they're gonna give you tylenol at best.
i doubt it lol. unless you ruptured a nut or something. pretty sure if thats all it took you would see junkys slamming their balls all over everything
I'd rather sever a toe than beat my own balls Although don't know what a serious addiction is like, there have to be easier ways
I can top this. I was 16 and i was at a party with my friends and we were doing like dares and shit. -before i go on, im letting you guys no, i was high on weed and piss drunk- so anyways, i got dared to tazer myself with my girlfriends pocket tazer (thank god it was a pocket tazer). I was like, guys i dont think i can do this to myself, so my dumbass friend was about to tazer me (i let him) and he just tazers me right in the balls. I didnt feel anything at first, then i jumped up and started puking everywere. My friends were laughing as i was crying and puking. I ended up feinting and it took my friends like 10 mins to call an ambulance. Im lucky enough to be able to still have babies. I had to were this like weird tape on my balls for like a month. God that was a horrible day.
ended up traumatizing my left scrote.. they said that there is fluid in there because of the trauma that occured wen the skateboard smacked it.. AND I GOT MOTHER FUCKING VICODINS!!!! IT WAS A GUY DOCTOR ND HES LIKE HERE .. I KNOW HOW IT FEELS TOO.. ND HANDS ME A SCRIPT FOR 20 7.5MG VIKES
yessir! and dude it was fucking awsome.. this cute girl had to give me the ultrasound for my Dick and she was like staring at my junk the entire time nd we kept smiling at each other lollll it was awkward at first cause she was like.. alright just pull your boxers off please. and im like YES MAM *WOOSH OFF QUICK