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Situation with my dad...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Sparkin, Aug 19, 2008.

  1. Well we have this ash-tray in our backyard, and I sometimes take roaches from it and smoke a bowl.

    Yesterday, I took two. Today my brother said he was smoking with my dad (hes 24) and told me that my dad noticed I took a couple of roaches, but he hasn't approached me about it yet.

    He doesn't like me to smoke because he thinks it'll make me lazy, and I won't want to get a job, etc, etc.

    What should I say if he approaches me? Hell, I'm going to take another 2 roaches tonight :hello:
  2. Tell him that if he wasn't going to use the roaches for anything, then why shouldn't you get to use them???
  3. sweet free weed...and what he said^^
  4. Just tell your father to quit being hypocritical and hit him up with some bud. Smoke with him, he'll feel better about it.
  5. Yeah i'm with Mezzo.

    He smokes yet doesn't want you to smoke?

    How old are you? If your over 18, which is required to post on this board, you should tell your dad that your old enough to make your own choices.

    Seriously, i was making career and education choices when i was 14.
  6. I'm 19, he just thinks its bad, even though he does it. He told me its a bad addiction of his :rolleyes:
  7. Why don't you get a job? You're 19 dude.
  8. Well from the sounds of it, here's what you should do. Get a job, even part time, keep it, and stay active and there shouldn't be a promblem. Prove his fears wrong and he wont sketch about it.
  9. call him a hypocrite, that always works haha
  10. I'm moving in a month, going to get a job at the place I'm moving to.

    I guess I'm going to tell him I smoke when he gets home from work today, fuck it.
  11. i found out my dad was smokin g b4 i started, then about a year later i started.
    Now i smoke in my house along with him and i made him like 5 all glass bongs

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