Simulation Theory

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Travybear, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. I've always been interested in theories of everything and after a lot of contemplation I'm pretty sure the simulation theory makes the most sense because sub atomic particles are pretty much all crystalline which is akin to pixelation.

    What really blows my mind is when I just keep peeling back later after layer and consider what created the simulation or simulations and it's kind of scary.

    Like, is the goal (if there is one) to just play out every possible scenario in every reality?

    What if we are all just programs and consciousness is just a limited illusion? I've noticed that if I completely focus on stimuli and clear my mind of all the everyday chaff that sensations are all pretty much similar and pretty basic overall, it's our perception of them or ingrained thoughts that give them the meaning they have (I think)?

    Like an orgasm for instance generally has very little in means of variations, the same goes for pain, heat, cold, etc.

    Everything is just a bit too basic to really be a coincidence I believe. Even my own thoughts seem almost predetermined a lot of the time due to instinct and in reality, what really seperates instinct from code for programs?

    I mean, we are more advanced than most computers currently in many ways, save simple logic based reasoning anyways, Kasparov was smoked in chess by a computer after all. But the singularity is getting closer and closer on a daily basis almost with modern smartphones and AI, pretty soon humans will be outclassed in nearly every way.

    Who is to say we don't create a simulation as well? What if we are just a simulation within a simulation repeating over and over to the point that finding a creator or creators as well as the meaning of life would basically be a fool's errand?

    The one comforting aspect I take away from this is that data is never really 100% deleted and fragments always remain regardless, yes they get overwritten over time. Perhaps that's our DNA and genetics?

    It's some pretty wild stuff, mind blowing really. And the deeper you dig the more real it seems.

    P.S. I haven't watched the Matrix in over 5 years so that totally didn't inspire this post lol.

    Anyways, thanks for reading and sorry for the long post haha!
  2. #2 Grandsouls, Mar 26, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
    I feel like I could have a good long chat with you lol.
    Now without intentionally changing the subject but still replying to it.
    Is it not absolutely INSANE how people only use 10% of there brain..???? What would happen if we could use it at 100%. Have you ever thought maybe throughout the years we have literally been dumbed down programmed and taught to be use 10% of are mind. Think of elementary school, mid grade, high school, ged, college, university. There is only one skill and one skill only and that’s memorizing and regurgitating. Why has society labeled people as smart because they can memorize and regurgitate. There is zero skill thought passion drive no love it’s just bullshit it’s driving me insane!
    ( I’m a cook I worked my ASS off in the industry and right now only job I can find is exactly what that is. know what to do regurgitate no passion no drive it’s so fucking boring no creation it’s driving me mental.. there’s no pride in anything I do there is no way. ( well you can fuck it up if your a idiot but it’s a business created purely for society people who can follow the rules and memorize and regurgitate ) it’s so fucking boring man back in the day I had to make all my sauces and gravies etc from the knowledge of flavour and knowing what the fuck I was doing there was no recipes it was either I did it right or I didn’t work for my boss. It’s using your head and thinking it’s going into that mental map of yours and mentally measuring and knowing what flavours blend with what and exactly how much of what it needs.., now it’s hehehe I put sausage on the grill and dumped the pre portioned pasta into the pan. Teehehehe im so good. Fuck off it’s so fucking boring... sorry for that ranting)
    Anyway people are fucking dumb fucks that claim they are smart because they can remember things. It’s bullshit everything is so programmed and zero real THOUGHT is gone into it.

    Fuck that shit

    People are so fucking boring no one has real thoughts or intelligent conversation you can always know what they are about to say. Everyone is so programmed and annoying.
    It’s so boring it’s all so fucking boring I’m so bored of society and the people in it I hope I can find another kitchen soon to work for that actually requires true intelligence of food and flavour I’m going insane
  3. Most of us are unconscious most of the time... i agree you can tell what most ppl are going to say or how they react... when someone reacts differently, out of the so called norm, it is always a surprise, even a bit of a shock..

    But your being conscious of this, imo, means you are an old soul so to speak and have been here & done that repeatedly for... who knows? thousands or millions of years some believe... this is the lowest (physical bodies) plane Beings can be in, there are none lower... that's the good news, however in this plane it can get worse, much worse... seems all the "leaders" are working as best they can to make sure that happens...
  4. perhaps I am. I was always like that as a child though as well, the idea of tag at a young age just bored me why am I chasing him so he can chase me? Why don’t we go learn about the species of frog outside of school ground or our body and minds instead. Lol
    And that was the thing that bothered me I argued with a teacher once in grade 5 I didn’t want to be in gym it was stupid and she gave me a lecture on how need to be physical and all that bullshit, and I freaked out and lectured her that the food they served was fatty sugary shit and they do nothing to teach the true value of health.
    Everyone just these boring zombies so to speak even I am quite often life gets to boggy and I give up fall into a pit of depression, wake up but dead inside walk to work do my thing come home walk the dogs cook supper shower laundry repeat.
    And thing that bothers me is survival is obviously number one, and society has been created to become zombies to survive. It’s so sad so many great minds are just being ruined daily generation after generations.

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