Simply, but will it work?

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by MagikWand, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. #1 MagikWand, Sep 12, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2008
    Hi, i am brand new to this site and new to growing. Actually VERY new that I have never grown before.
    First off, I have a question about whats seeds I COULD use. There are some pretty decent looking seeds I obtained from an ounce of mid-grade pot. Will those work?

    I also have 120 watts of soft white light; will this be suitable lighting for one plant?

    Secondly, Do I have to FEED my plant at all? Water, plant food, ANYTHING?

    The plant is planted about 4 in. below soil that is in a completely white bucket. I also have a fan cooling the plant in my closet that is completely shut off from any kind of draft or air flow. I don't have alot of money and try and get by at the bare minimum to grow something.

    Let me know PLEASE if there is any mistakes I've made, like how to tell a healthy seed from a bad one?, or Room temperature that the plant will grow best?, or Should I add more light? Anything will be appreciated to help me get a better result.:)
  2. is that equivilant wattage? you need about 100watts ACTUAL watts for 1 plant and 50Ws for plants around it.

    your plants are going to need plant food rated by an NPK, N being nitrogen P being phosphrous and K being potassium, during veg plants need more N than P and K, so nutes like 20-10-10 are good for veg, during flowering your plants needmore P and K than N so somthing like 10 - 20 - 15 is good.

    temps need to be around 20 - 25C

    also never use time release soils, always use organic that hasnt been treated to have its own NPK rating.
  3. So, whats a nute? or nutes? 20-10-10? sorry im really new at this stuff.
  4. plant food, its treated with an NPK 20 - 10 - 10 N = 20 P = 10 K = 10, it means the % content i think.

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