silly question

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by chinoko, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. is it safe to eat pizza that has been on the counter for over 15 hours?
    It looks good, but i don't want a bacteria infection or someshit ahah
  2. go for it dude you only live once
  3. Everybody knows that pizza that has been sitting on the counter for the last day is by far the best hangover food ever. :devious:
  4. [ame=]Gladiator theme - Now We Are Free - Lisa Gerrard - YouTube[/ame]
  5. Dude, it's fine.

    If you're still worried about it, stick it in the microwave and do a bacteria killing dance while it cooks.
  6. My buddy freaked me out the other day about paper products and the microwave, supposedly they burn off water particles that can be " cancerous "
  7. Yeah, like totally cancerous, man...

    Along with cell phones, and french fries, and hot dogs, and barbecued meats, and coffee, and diet soda, and refilling plastic water bottles, and smoking, and alcohol, and charred foods, and toothpaste, and scented candles, and... can I stop now? :p

    Sitting. I'm sitting right now. That's probably giving me cancer. Being on my computer is probably giving me cancer. There's probably like cancer waves flying right through my apartment right now spreading their cancerness all over the place.

  8. It's probably ok but you do run the risk of food poisoning, especially if it has any meat on it.

  9. Unless you're of German ancestry, then I'm pretty sure you're okay. Judging from all the things my husband can eat without getting sick. :p
  10. I would say it depends on the topping If its seafood or pork then no dont eat it
    other wise
    How warm is the place its been stored 60-80% perfect for breeding germs if so expect to be ill
    you want know till ya try it
    If your really worried reheat it to safe temp 82%
    play safe

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