signature requests

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by of montreal, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. #1 of montreal, Jan 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    request sigs here and ill make em

    edit: sorry everyone, i fucked up. the trial ran out on my drawing software, so i can't make any more. if anyone would like to make sigs for the blades who i wasn't able to make one for, it would be appreciated.
  2. ok. well
    give me something involving
    pink floyd
    and space.

    and echoes.
    like the song i guess
    suprise me i guess
  3. was going to try to incorporate some imagery from the song, maybe an albatross or something, but i decided to keep it simple. hope you like it.

    Attached Files:

  4. hahahahaha
    i wasnt expecting it to be like that
    but dude
    thats really bad ass, i love it
    once i figure out how to put it up, im keepinthat shit
    thanks, alot man. forreal
    i appreciated that
  5. Sweet man. They look pretty badass. You should make me something with 420, mushrooms, and some knomes. Thanks man.

  6. [​IMG]
    hope you like it

    Attached Files:

  7. thats pretty awsome

    i like that too
  8. Good stuff man. Can you make me one with Family guy and weed and have some fun with it. Thanks much appreciated.
  9. #10 iWhiteWall, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
  10. deftones photography and shweeeed?
  11. can you make me a zebra shooting smoking a joint LOL
  12. I have a feeling you make these in ms paint lol:hello:
  13. a similiar program cuz i'm on a mac. there's no bucket tool though so it takes forfucking ever to fill in colors.

    i'll try to do the remaining sigs tonight but homeworks a bitch so i cant make any promises
  14. If you have time:
    A guy blazing a fat joint sitting on a cloud :smoke:
  15. ah dude
    iwant another one haha
    that picture of the baby
    in the thread
    toddler hits the herb and lands couple in jail.
    hittin a fat joint or something haha
    maybe like

    idk some crazy background or something
    suprise me.
  16. Thank you very much. :) You are very talented.

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