Sick plants!!

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Mordecai, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. All of my plants started getting sick since I got back from vacation. I was only gone for 4 days and I had my lights on 24/7, plants were watered the day I left and when I got home, it was a disaster.

    A few died, and a few just wilted over and got no better over time. Some of the plants first set of leaves turned yellow and some are just drying out. The ones I still have arent dead and I dont want them to die. If anyone can help... please do.
  2. I need some info in order to guess, or pics.

    ph if possible
    bbl alex
  3. And while you're at it, please post us a pic.
    1 picture indeed says more then 1000 words.
  4. Heres a pic of it. Horrible quality, but the plants stalk is too weak to hold itself up on its own so I put a tie on it to hold it up, and its leaves are obviously sagging but some of them are getting soft. I gave it a shot of superthrive and Im waiting now.

    Attached Files:

  5. I can't view pic?

    Oh well. All i can say is read and do something for your babies.

    gl alex
  6. Looks like you are overwatering severely.
    Adding nutes already? Probably a bad idea too.
    Check my signature, my advise to me might apply to you too.

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