Sick plant plzz help!

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by LEB-toker, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. HIGH all.
    ive been growing now for 3 weeks (bag seed indica) and my apartment was going to get searched so for a week i left at friends and had them water and nute them but when they came back one of my plants had yellowing of the leaves heres some pics. plzz help out :(

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  2. I am not the most supreme teacher but to me it looks like you have a nitrogen def. How much and what are you feeding it? Your leaves look really green and dry! I would get some big grow fox farm and foilar spray in the morning before lights come on. It will lower pH and assist your soil and plants to heal quickly.

  3. Looks to me like your Ph is really out of whack. Do you know what your runoff Ph is? I would check it and adjust accordingly. It would help to know what your nute schedule is as well as your watering frequency.
  4. My water runoff is around 6.5/6.8 and i water every two days and nute with 20-10-20 twice a week but i haven't nuted for a week because they were at my friends do you believe this is the problem??:confused:
  5. Looks like a potassium def. to me man
  6. Your problem is likely a nute burn. Adding nutes twice a week is too much. Once every 7-10 days is about all I would give them. Flush them well and let them dry out for a couple of days. When you start adding nutes, do so at 1/3 or 1/2 strength and gradually work up from there. Good luck.

  7. i agree completely. i mean like 150% completely
  8. Your soil looks very dense. Do you have any perlite in it? How does it breathe? Your problem looks like what I often see when people use straight MG soil on their seedlings. What is your soil mix? Did it advertise "continuously feeds for __ months" on the package? I'm pretty sure your soil is too "hot" with nutrients. Stop feeding for a while and see if it gets better or worse, or you can go ahead and transplant to a gentler soil mix if the one you are using is to heavily fortified. There are some people telling you you have nute def. This is why it is always better to do nothing rather than do something that will amke it worse. It's better to assume you're plants are getting too much, rather than too little. Backing off a bit will generally show results quickly, but adding more can kill if you're wrong.
  9. Taking another look at your mix, I'm thinking you're soil is too dense as well. Is that MGOC soil? If so it needs to be cut with perlite to make it work properly. I have a lot of experience with that stuff. It works great when properly amended, but if it isn't amended properly it will kill your plants.
  10. my soil is from a farm supply shop and it does have sum perlite but when the soil is not wet i can squeeze in my hand and it will just fall away all organic in other words good for tobacco and tomatoes is what it says on the 50 pound bag.

    and thanks for stopping by dank and for the advice ill definitly have to get some destilled water and just feed that a week or so and see if she/he will perk up....even tho my other to are looking great i hope she pulls out of it.
  11. Well that's definitely an important piece of info that the others are all doing fine. Maybe you just have a problem child. It happens o me every year and drives me nuts. I'll have one plant that just won't do right no matter what I try.
  12. yeah his/her week younger sibling haha caught her size and is now taller but havent nuted in 3 days and the top sets of leaves on the sick are fines just lower level are burnt

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