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Sick of Smoking

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by The Captain K, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Haven't been burning for ever but I've done my deal of seshes. I am sick of smoking marijuana though, since I work out everyday .. the smoke irritates my lungs and I feel my cardio is affected .. So I'm following hashmouf's recipe for cannabutter .. currently have the butter sitting in the fridge for an hour before I strain it again .. but what can I do with the canabutter? Put it on regular food, for my breakfast ? Must I eat something before eating the canabutter ... ? All help is appreciated. Stay high :)
  2. what if you used it to cook bacon. idk if itd work or not but it would be sick.
  3. Cannabutter just takes the place of regular butter in anything. The more conventional ideas would be cookies, brownies, and muffins by just following the box recipe and using your special butter whenever butter is called for. However, you can still go as simple as spreading your cannabutter on some toast or crackers as a little snack. Heck, you could just eat the butter raw.
  4. Thanks for the reply people.
  5. I accidentally put too much butter to weed ratio, is there any way to get rid of some butter? Or are there any high BUTTER recipes?
  6. your allright its just gonna be a little less potent. so you will have to eat more butter then you would if you used the right ammount of butter. and theres plenty of recipes just look em up.

  7. Meh, no way to make less butter?
  8. if you reboiled it you could get some of the butter to evaporate.. BUT I don't know if your THC would evaporate with it?

  9. I dunno. I'll just eat the butter. Whatevz. :D

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