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Siberia Struggles To Weed Out Cannabis

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Superjoint, Jul 25, 2001.

  1. Siberian horseback police track drug growers
    Source: BBC News

    Police in the Republic of Tyva, Siberia, are fighting a losing battle against the cultivation of cannabis across wide swathes of derelict former collective farms. Russian TV says deliberate cultivation on old state farmland and natural self-seeding has spread the drug cash crop far beyond police control.
    The growing season is now in full swing on plantations across the area and it is growing everywhere, even on wasteland. The TV says the republic, adjoining the Mongolian border, is often referred to as Russia's Colombia.

    When the authorities launch another crackdown the locals scoff. They say that trying to stamp out the crop is "as pointless as trying to melt all the ice in Antarctica".

    It grows wild on land abandoned by collective farms - on about 70% of all previously arable land. Local farmers say that some hemp fields do have owners but are not being actively cultivated.


    Because police do not have enough funds to catch drug-traffickers, they spread weedkillers or use conscripts to pull the plants out of the ground.

    Locals say they grow hemp to earn enough to buy basic foodstuffs to last the hard Siberian winter. Young people gather hemp to pay for their university education.

    The police, often on horseback, arrest at least five or six people every day, but the punishment is only a suspended prison sentence of three-years - no one takes it seriously, the TV said.

    Police have tried to plough the crop back into fields but they do not have enough resources or funds to sow a replacement crop. Hemp seeds are blown back onto fallow fields on the wind.

    And so the short growing cycle starts all over again.

    BBC Monitoring, based in Caversham in southern England, selects and translates information from radio, television, press, news agencies and the Internet from 150 countries in more than 70 languages.

    Note: Police are fighting a losing battle against the rapidly growing plant.

    Source: BBC News (UK Web)
    Published: Monday, July 23, 2001
    Copyright: 2001 BBC
  2. Sounds like a great way to pull their troubled economy back up ,all they have to do is legalize it.

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