Shroom report...

Discussion in 'General' started by grass roots, Aug 29, 2004.

  1. ate a chocolate bar with 2 grams of crushed up caps in it at 11:30. tasted pretty good, but the after taste was kinda gross. got home at 12 and drank a glass of orange juice and took two centrum vitamin pills. this is my third time shrooming... and also the smallest dose i've taken. but i've heard good things about them, so i hope to trip...
  2. hah, last night sucked. i was with my friend who also ate 2 grams. he wasnt feeling anything until we smoked a joint then he said he started to trip. i felt nothing but a little high. called up the guy i got it from and complained, so did a couple other people who bought from him so hes giving me 4 grams for free...

    do people just have a natural tolerance to shrooms? i havent read anything on that i dont think....
  3. Natural tolerance doesn't really exist. It's just about what amount the drug becomes active at. Maybe next time you should eat 4 grams.
  4. I dont think 2g was enough for an intense trip that you might have been expecting. The most ive had was about 3-4g, and i wasnt tripping too hard, but just enough to feel great. Im considering more for myself next time.

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