im shrooming right now and i feel like i need a hotline so to speak to keep me in check, like im sory but idk i just need or feel hte urge rather to talk to you guys.. my parents are in the other room and i have to be quiet but im not completely scared... im overall happy im sorry for ranting ... please talk to me
i was about to beat the meat but il talk to you You are on mushrooms you are having fun. You will not overdose You are fine There is no need to worry Take some deep breaths and think happy thoughts.
cmon i wanna talk where are you my shrooming buddy dont freak out and call the hospital... nothing they can do.... and that will really ruin your trip and dont bother your parents.
sorry was playing with dog... i know im fin i just feel the urge to talk im not scared i just want to talk?
good vibes bro,shrooms are the shit,you should go talk to your paretns,lol na jk,listen to The Doors that will make you feel better,thats the best music for tripping
guys i feel fucking great so dont worry im not going to bother anyone i know im fine i just want to talk haha
haha what shall we talk about? wat do you guys think of the stimulus plan? actually if im shrooming thats the last thing i wanna talk about how much balls are you trippin mushie?
haha good good good i love my dog like i realize that my love for my dog is pure unlike the contamination of the world excuse me while i go pet me dog...
shroom on fuck i need me some mushies beennn soooo looonnngggg is it weird doing it by urself? never done them alone