Should We Fight The Power?

Discussion in 'General' started by Russian Badger, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. The governments clearly fucking tyrannical having to spy on us 24/7 (for security). I don't trust them in anything they do. It may be the way I was raised but i've always been a conspirator against our government ever since i started researching 9/11, and other world disasters that could have been prevented. Not to mention our government is corrupt inflation of money to bail out banks and whatnot. They have a socialistic control over us they want to take our guns away? They're trying to disarm us, just like in germany during hitlers rein. HISTORY ALWAYS REPEATS!
    Please tell me other people agree... I mean im high and thats what i think respect it or not. :smoking:  

  2. fight the power how? protest?
  3. #3 Russian Badger, Jun 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2013
    Yeah thats the initial start then it gets more violent, Marshall law is enforced, then a revolution starts. Unless we get rid of the corrupt!
  4. I'm actually in favor of a full scale revolution, we're still stuck in the pussy protest stage, unfortunately shit has to get violent. blood will have to be spilled to begin anew, hopefully more on their side than ours.
  5. To be honest if things don't turn out well I'm considering Canada.
    Canadas cool and all but fuck that.
  7. this is why they consider taking guns away.
  8. unfortunately canada tends to be america's bitch(in terms of the govts) so you wont have much luck. 
  9. yea op already said this, including the reason why. it almost sounds like you agree they should
  10. Well as pacifist who doesn't want to be fucked by the government where would you suggest I go if things get bloody?
  11. they're not going to do shit but enforce stricter gun control man. we've been through this so many times in the past. 
  12. antartica, make your way south through the americas. if you dont like the cold, stop in the amazon and build a life there.
    honestly I'm not a violent person, but I understand there is no room for peaceful shit anymore.
    oh you're right, guess we should give up and bow down to our overlords. 
    get the right people with the right knowledge, you wont necessarily need guns.
  13. there is always a cost to freedom. whither it be simple rights that should be given to every one,  (the whole anti-lgbtq marrage crap is a good example), or having privacy to do what we want. and there is even a cost to access information that should be free to everyone.
    it may be something small, such as a monetary cost, or something big. like a life. unfortunately, the sheeple  refuse to make waves, because they either don't see the problem, (homeless, mental/physically ill people with out outward signs), or they are so bigoted that they think that's what should happen. or they simple refuse to act. not realizing that all it take is one person to make a stand, and others would follow. poor sheeple.. I feel sorry for them.
  14. exactly what we should do. you're doing it now by paying taxes and if they do declare martial law you'll be funding it. theres no win. you're not built for revolution so just chill or die.
  15. good thing I dont pay taxes then. 
    I'd rather die fighting than live a bitch.
  16. We aren't gonna pay taxes in a damn revolution they could never take our guns away... Marshall law will die the people will fall without sufficient amounts of money cause they are already in debt they go to extreme measures to keep there budgets up but suppress the people
  17. ok che. 
  18. Yeah there is...look to Ghandi or MLK. I just don't have as much of a connection to America as everybody else if it gets violent I'm out.
  19. thats crazy taalk man what revolution.? there will not be one in our life time so we dont have to worry about that. and you'll be able to keep your guns (pistols) you'll just be denied access to assault rifles due to stricter control
  20. haha I'm no fool, I'm 99% certain I would never be on Che's level. its been almost 50 years and he's still a symbol of revolution. the problem is people are too afraid to die for the change needed, so of course they will be cowards like you.

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