Should I upgrade to a 6in or 8in duct fan or wait and get a vortex style fan?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by mtndairymilk, May 27, 2011.

  1. Hey guys. I've been having consistent problems with ventilation since i started. In the first cabinet i had, I went from pc fans, to a 4in duct fan. Needless to say, the 4in duct fan still isnt cutting it. During the night (lights on) it hovers around 31 C but during the day (lights on) it can get up to 34 C. Now my question is this, do you guys think I should upgrade to one of the bigger, 6in or 8in axial duct fans and hope that it will cool down, or should I spend more and just get one of those vortex centrifugal fans and KNOW that it will finally be cool? I really don't wanna spend that much more money, since it seems really hard to find cheap inline fans, but I am sick of stressing about the god damn temperature in by cabinet.
  2. depends how hot the room the box is in, if its around the same temps as in the box all the fans in the world arent going to bring donw the temps
  3. #3 mtndairymilk, May 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2011
    The room it is in is on average 6 or 7 degrees C cooler than inside the box. I thought the same thing at first

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