Should I smoke my last weed on 4/20?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by gniltevs, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. Hi guys, pls advise, I already smoked couple of hours ago, but now have nth to do and some small weed left..
  2. Smoke it. Any other trivial matters you need advice for?
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  3. Smoke every last bit of it. U earned it! 1 day of the year opportunity. I recommend that u also grow it :) take advantage of mother nature this summer. she is shining. take a walk out in the woods and blaze up. listen to the birds closely as they will slowly surround you with peaceful chirps and insane energy. Peace and Love on this great day.
  4. Yeah man cheers on the herb, however in my country its illegal to grow or even to smoke
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. cheers. just remember whether it legal or not mothernature will always provide it for you. I love the mother and I will continue to use her for not olny growing but meditation and bringing me closer to the 7 chakras. she has saved my life :) its takes a lot of pride/dedication/work to get a good yield out there but its worth it trust me :) I love seeing the marijuana in it natural habitat also and the scents on those dewy mornings with shiny trichomes. Either way with the way world going right now hopefully she does not end us all soon :( im drifting on too sad topic though and this is 4/20 :)) happy 420. Peace and Love

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