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Should I smoke gas station floor weed?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by bahookahjoe18, Dec 4, 2011.

  1. Last night my girl brought me home a baggy of weed that she found on the floor of the gas station she works at while she was sweeping. It's basically just shake. Any ways I can check it to make sure it's safe to smoke? Dang, now that I look at it closely, it's pretty high quality, although seedy. I think I even know who dropped it, ahahaha.

  2. I'd smoke it. Do you know anyone who walks around with weed that isn't safe to smoke? Probably not, so smoke up!
  3. I'd make hash out of it to be safer.
    Sucks to be whoever dropped it, no way in hell I'd go back into a station to pick up weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed lol
  4. ive smoked worse looking shit......:eek:;):smoke:
  5. I'd give it away cuz I'm a snob, but if I were dry I'd smoke it.

  6. Not looking to make hash. Just don't have the experience.

    So have I, but I paid money to do it, hahahaha

    I'll blaze it later :D For right now I'm putting up the siding in my shack. It's about time, haha. I've been freezing these last few weeks.
  7. well by hash i meant qwiso cause its super easy, just takes time to evaporate, but it looks safe to smoke so go for it dude :bongin:

  8. your living in a shack? with no sides?
    ....i can build/have built almost anything....

  9. bahooka is in a roughh spot atm doing the best he can. :) dont question it. and if you must. find the thread.

  10. i been in more then a few bad spots myself......(including right now)
    and wasnt so much questioning as offering a hand...if im close enough to be of any help that is......;):smoke:
  11. I've left dank in a parking lot of a gas station and I came back to get it. It was there so I retrieved and fled. I posted a thread about it!
  12. Some cop prob took it from a bust, then took some pcp from another bust, then mixed it together and dropped it there for you

    so i wouldnt smoke it

  13. I just call it a shack out of love. It's a glorified tool shed actually. Really simple construction; pretty much just a 2x4 frame with plywood exterior walls and OSB board ceiling, covered with shingles. I'm putting up the inner walls now for some added insulation.

    Everyone always assumes it's a "rough spot," but I love it honestly. No complaints whatsoever. I'd rather live in this single-room tool shed than a 3 bathroom house any day.
  14. Of course you should smoke it. Even if its not very good it'll give you a decent buzz
  15. Ill slap you if you dont smoke free weed.
  16. Even better! :hello:

  17. wait do you live in a 2 meter by 4 meter shack or 2 by 4ft ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    what do u have in there? where do u go for bathroom/shower?
    is there a thread i can read about this hahahhaha
  18. pee/shit/shower outside duh

  19. The frame is made of boards that are 2 inches by 4 inches. The hut itself is 10 feet by 16 feet.

    The neighbors let me shower there, and I go to the bathroom outside in the woods, but sometimes I poop over at their place.

    There's no thread about it, but I posted pictures in a thread about how to ventilate the building on my first nights in it.
  20. I assume you got one of dem' space heaters hooked up at least?

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