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Should I really put up with this?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by StickyIkyMarley, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. Ok after months of searching non stop I found a good dealer, he has a few years on me and is exactly what u think a steriotypical black guy would look like, saggy pants loud rap loves chicken all of that fun stuff (fact not making a joke) and I am getting pretty good deals, I did get ripped off by this guys major buyer (sells to anyone who doesn't know his dealer) and I am ok with that because he is HUGE. but today we were all sitting around and one of my friends who I smoked up 3 times bought a dime for me and 5 people to share and the smaller dealer says he will match us.. We smoke 4-6 bowls and because he has the bong him and his buddy ALWAYS got greens and didn't pass it to me (he was trying to be a dick) then after that they ask me if I want to fight like 5-10 times.. Is a good dealer really worth all of this shit?
  2. wut?

    you smoke bowls? they take the bong? then they wanna fight?

    im confused
  3. Yea it's definitely worth it. That just means he's someone to just buy off of; NOT to hang out or smoke with
  4. Yea pretty much, should I put up with that for good bud?
  5. I wouldn't, but if it's all you can get then I guess
  6. i didnt. its gay to put up with.
  7. just quit hanging out over there. Make your your purchase weighs out and jet, dont match with that many people.
  8. Yea, if he has bud then I would still buy from him, just dont match though. And if they ask, tell them that you got your girl waiting at her house and yous about to fuck.
  9. Wait. You put in the weed... and they didnt pass you it?

    Grow your own and put this jackass out of business.
  10. Gangsta stoners are annoying as hell- fact. Just purchase your product and leave. If that's ever brought up then just say you're busy with whatever. He is making money off you so it shouldn't be a problem.
  11. wuuuuuuuuuut? yes buy from him but dont eva eva EVA smoke whit him again

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