Should I put plants into flower?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by CaNnAbIs-KiNg, Aug 22, 2019.

  1. 00E22449-574C-4541-B5CA-70DC517C3583.jpeg 702FD2DE-7303-4A17-BADD-EB7D9D3F62EF.jpeg 7EB0357D-47B0-4A44-94F3-0ABB1FDF67CE.jpeg E83A48B4-ED44-4781-9BCD-14953CD2509C.jpeg 389CCDE4-0C43-4969-BADD-83D2EB7EFFDE.jpeg 23A71386-7CCB-40E1-AFD1-F3E6B59575FA.jpeg F6077BC3-46F4-4C47-8393-23D967E15786.jpeg Hi growers and fanatics, I’m wondering if you can eve tell me how much would I yield if I were to send my babies into flower now. Just so we’re clear I’m not doing that I’m just curious. This is my first time growing and I’dike any advice or tips. My next grow I would like to use 10 gallon smart pots instead of 5 gallon buckets. All plants are feminized and are on the beginning of week 7 from seed.
  2. Outdoors you don't have a choice when they will go into flower. I can't tell how many plant you're showcasing or if there is multiple pics of the same plant. They look about the size for 2-4 oz yield each. Depends on if you only count good buds or all larf.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. This
    • Agree Agree x 1

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