I have a few hours to decide. My best buddies so far (2nd sem freshman) are not doing this particular one, and I am not entirely besties with my pledge class dudes. It sounds like fun, the place has a good reputation, but i am worried that not having a solid friend in it could make me regret it. ah, help yalls !
Even though there are some straight up douchebags in frats, they are incredibly useful to have on a resume when you get out of school and start looking for a job.
I have absolutely no idea what fraternities really do, or why they are there... However, despite my ignorance, i'd expect that you'd make at least some friends in one, that's why people join societies and things like that. I made plenty when I was in various socs. at uni
If you're already hesitating to join then don't go about joining. Wait until you can join one where you feel comfortable. Things could go either way though and you may end up enjoying it. If it were me though I'd wait and join another If I had the opportunity to with some friends.
Fraternities are like brotherhoods of service. They cost a lot of money to join, a lot of fees to provide membership of the frat, the house you'd live in, to host community events (to raise money for charities, and such). However, I've come to realize it is a HUGE tool in networking through friends, and alumni. I've even heard you would be considered more over non alumni when applying for a job. Correct on the friends part. People in frats tend have a small social life outside the frats. Like your social life is the frat's. I didn't join a frat, and I don't much care to.
you better like running around doing stupid shit whilst naked to try and get in. And once you are in, get the name of a good stomach pump doctor for all the drinking you will be forced to do. jk jk, For all I know you could be joining an academia based frat and not a party one
its a social fraternity. it is repped to be the hockey frat, but the pledging i know is very minimal. i have no real friends doing it and i feel like its my only choice tho.
Oh god. Next to rugby players, hockey players drink til they can't remember what happened in the last 2 seconds..
oh god. stoners are fucking scum bags, stupid, worthless, get high all day and work their shitty day job in a fast food restaurant. OP I say you go for it, if you don't like it you can always bounce but if you regret it you can't always get back in
i wouldnt because i hate the idea of social status they make you think that you have to prove yourself to them and most of the guys in fraternities are douche bags im not saying there cant be some nice people in fraternities its just im yet to meet one that isnt a douche bag but its your life you do what you want
honestly youd probably be happier in the long run by pursuing real relationships and exploring the depth of a few friends characters by renting a house or apartment and actually getting to know people. Frats are really fun but the people are "bros" which only a frat dude thinks is a good thing. Drinking and doing stupid shit to stay busy is not a healthy alternative to forming real relationships with the people around you. Everyone else thinks they are assholes and they do not have the best social connection skills. If you wanna get honed to be a corporate man and date a bunch of really slutty girls while in school then do it. Many people choose to because there are some great benefits. But remember the downside, the greek system seems to make a lot of people very shallow during a very important time in their social development. I meet people in their 30's and can often guess if they were in a frat... not in a good way
Think of it this way: Short-term: Yea, you may have to deal with some morons and assholes. But like someone else said, good way to get laid. Long-term: Many of these assholes later became successful at their jobs. When they are hiring new people, they are much more likely to consider someone who was part of their club than they would other candidates.