Should I get the iphone 6 or 6 plus?

Discussion in 'General' started by Sugar Jay Robinson, Oct 28, 2014.

  1. Neither

    Sent from my SPH-L720T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  2. Wow what an amazing tale!
  3. S4 or S5
    Note 3 or Note 4
    Nexus 6
    Htc m8

    ^all phones above are better values, and some of them also have better specs. Dont settle for the iPhone.

    If you do though, i'd rather you go with the 6. Save $.
  4. What's wrong with the phone you have now?
  5. Note 3 is pretty badass!
  6. 6

    we can sit in a distant haze and watch rain clouds pour thoughts of greatness and help our troubles sail real far away.
  7. 6... 6+ is like having a small tablet in your pocket
  8. Buy both?
  9. The LG G3 but if you want one of those the 6 because the 6 plus are known to bend in your pocket

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