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should i get a quarter of mids for 40 or 3 grams of headies for 60

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by africa3, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Im trynna get fucked up today and i dnt know which to get should i get headies cuz it gets u higher or should i get mids cuz u get more bud dnt know wat to do .
  2. so in other words, would you rather be cloudy-headed and mildly depressed, or euphoric?

    get the headies!

  3. Another dank snob...

    The OP honestly sounds like a new smoker if they're asking this question, so the mids might be better for them. Also, I don't know what mids you're smoking but the ones I have don't give me the symptoms you described...
  4. damn straight.

    I smoked mids/upper-mids for years. Now I buy medical dank and I will never go back.
    I get way, WAY more high with far less negative side effects (other than less cash ;))
  5. Will the headies be 3.5 times better? Cos they're 3.5 times the price. I'd get the mids personally.
  6. Soo wat should i get would the 3 grams of white widow put me on my ass
  7. Medical weed doesn't mean it's better than other types of weed ;)
    Anyone can grow it just the same.

    OP, Get the mids. Why not? More smoke, right?

    Unless you like quality then pay extra for less.

    It's a hard decision for sure lol :p
  8. that makes me think you don't care how long your weed lasts. so get the dank.

    this should be in apprentice
  9. that's true. the dispensary down the street offers grams ranging from $10-$23. you get what you pay for (though no weed should ever be $23 a gram)
  10. Dude you need help if you get depressed when you smoke mids, that never happens to me.
  11. Get the heads, but not because "I'm a dank snob" as others have poetically worded. But because if you put a small amount of heads in a bowl then you don't have to smoke as much for a smooth high.

    I use mids to fill up big fat joints or blunts or something like that. Use it right and you can make the heads last just as long.
  12. You sound at least mildly new to smoking, so mids all the way. Roll a bunch of fat jays and get ripped :smoke:

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