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Should I cop from someone off of Craigslist?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Purpleghostsmoke5, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. I just moved to Philly and my neigborhood is pretty sketchy, and I didn't want to end up in something I'd regret. So I put up an ad on there to see if anyone knew where the bud was at. A few weeks go by and a guy hits me up with a pic OF SOME PACCCC!!! Lol it was easily some diesel for sure and he gave me his number. He said he can travel and doesn't just sell weight so I'm wondering is it a wise decision to hit him up and have him bring it to me like around the corner from my spot. Master Tokers please bless me with your wisdom!

  2. bro i was born and raised in west philly, i spent most of my days at the park chilling and playing ball, but sometimes these lame ass niggas would start shit, so my mom got scared and said youre moving with your auntie and uncle to bel air
  3. Were the niggas in bel air any cooler?
  4. That just sounds like a terrible idea to be honest. Very sketchy. You'd have better luck at a bar or concert ect.
  5. #5 inhumainpapaya, Oct 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2013
    Its a bit of a risk obviously but I met one of my best dealers online

    first time just buy a small amount, don't drive a good car and see how it goes would be my advice
    Edit: but then I've also heard about people who find people off CL and other sites, sell to them a few times then when they want Oz just rip their money and run... soooo up to you haha
  6. lmfao are you serious? 
  7. im going to guess you are not a 90s kid as the refrence went over your head lol.
  8. i'm still lol'ing
  9. ya OP you should totally do it.................
  10. I'm just joking. I got the reference.
  11. Lol ok I wasnt trying to rip on you some ppl just dint grow up in the fresh prince era.
  12. Lol y'all fools. But inhumainpapaya I'm talking about like having him meet me literally around the corner from my spot being copping and stepping off. No car or wallet just phone and my $10 for the dime. What do you think?
  13. I found my new dealer on Instagram

    I jerk off inside books and give life to words
  14. Is that sarcasm?
  15. ya what happens if its not what you imagine, what if its a guy there to rob you or worse a cop. i say goforitandtelluswhathappendbecausefuckityolo
    its always the fresh prince era
  18. Respect. IT doesn't take me to many no's to say fuck it. Thanks everyone
  19. I doubt it would be a cop, especially for just a dime sack. Jus try it, bring a friend or somethin
  20. Leaving concepts stuck together you've probably never heard
    I love when people think I'm psychologically disturbed
    Because it means I overloaded their neurological nerves

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