I know some one with a car like that forsale to but he wants 4k Sent from device_name using Grasscity Forum App
i prob wouldnt, just seems like something you re gunna throw money at. Anyways nice to see someone else from the 508. Also slow, mid-80(or earlier) MB's dont do it for me unless they re diesel. I probably wouldnt buy a MB that old, that cheap, that was not a diesel
its a cool looking car, and looks pretty solid, but if you're not capable of doing your own repairs/maintenance, don't buy it.
This, although a diesel can be costly to repair, once its solid, it stays solid. Diesels have better longevity and they actually have fuel options! i vote yes if its a diesel. see and hear it run in person.
That thing could cost you a ton in repairs if the problem isn't something simple. Good luck finding an engine for it that wont rip you a new one
Honestly money isn't an problem for me at all. I owned another mercedes before this one and kept it going for 3 years with regular maintanence. I can't do the repairs myslef BUT my dad does and we wants to do a project like this with me and teach me about cars. So should I go for it?
I think that would be a cool project car. I say buy it if you got the cash, no loans or paying anyone back. It could be a money pit but what project car isn't. How many miles are on it? The guy driving it is kinda young, i was picturing a really old guy owning it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiIgAqDl8V8
if money isnt an option then get it. once this car is back in proper form, then you will have a solid ride. remember, these cars were engineered on the Autobahn of the period. that is to say it would be able to hold 100 mph consistent.