Should ALL drugs Be Legalized? Poll

Discussion in 'General' started by The Big C, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. Having started the thread: Should ALL drugs Be Legalized? & IS This a Site For Weed ONLY? I Thought it Was!

    I decided to try and stop all the arguments with this very simple poll...

    This profit & violence is fuelled by all drugs, be it Weed or Heroine, simply because it is illegal.

    As to whether more people will die if they are made legal? Does it matter if its their freedom of choice?

    Having saying that, there is NO proof that legalisation of anything means a huge increase in use. There will be a minimal increase in use to allow for curious people trying for the first time etc.. but that will level off.

    Please answser the poll

  2. I say yes, all drugs should be legalized.

    Controling the substances so the user knows exactly whats in them, economic profits from government control, taking money away from organized crime, not to mention the fundamental principle i base my life off of, which is total freedom of each individual to do what they want with their own lives as long as they are not infringing upon the freedoms or well being of another human being.
  3. I have no time to make an upstanding political argument right now, but I've cast in my 'Yes' vote.

    For the record, I have absolutely no faith in it ever happening. Not in my lifetime, anyway. I'll be lucky to see the nationwide decriminalization (not legalization, mind you) of cannabis.
  4. I say yes, but I also think Murder should be legalized.

    I think we should do away with the police force. This way only the FBI is around and they can take care of people such as serial killers.

    This way citizens can solve their own problems.

    Someone raped your daughter? Fuckin shoot him!

    Someone is trying to rob your store? Fuckin shoot him!

    I think all problems can be solved by simply shooting motherfuckers.

    If someone is addicted to crack, 5 years in prison is a waste of the governments money. Just let the crack kill him.

  5. Agreed.
  6. i put no just cuz i dont think all drugs should be just weed:bongin: :confused_2:
  7. no, just because of what some fiends would do to get dope especially meth heads they smoke them selves crazy literally i mean they get fuckin delusional, paranoid and think people are after them, meth turns people into schizos

    and just think how easy it would be to go over board with X and coke if you could get it at the corner store

    the only drug that should be legal is pot because even if you are an irresponsible drug user you cant be too irresponsible with pot i mean whats the worst that can happen you spend all your money on junk food and pot
  8. Hmm I said no, but now I think the answer should be yes. All the hardcore drugs should be available to the junkies, let them fill their bloods with that crap, and let them wither and die, eventually people will find a balance.
  9. thats the worst thing?...

    ps. this is not a good thing for a poll because the answers matter less than the reasons.
  10. no, but i just made the poll exactly 14 to 14.... this is a good pole ... but u need more options.....

    ex. what drugs do u think should be legal?

    do that one...
  11. I would have to say no cause i dont want the goverment controlling the drug trafficing that would be wack just have decriminalization of all drugs across the nation.
  12. LOL, at the people who voted yes. Do you know how much more problems the US would have if shit like heroin, crack and meth, were legal? I guarantee you we would see an exponential increase in the death rate from auto accidents to murder. You people who think that the government shouldn't control what we put into our bodies need to think about what you're saying. imagine all the horrible shit that comes with drugs other than weed.

    Not everyone is able to control themselves, regardless of your personal experiences; legalization of all drugs would lead to complete chaos.
  13. No. How do drugs not affect other people's lives?
    That shit fucks up families, starts mass amounts of organized crime, some mother fuckers high on pcp and curb stomps the devil... your friend.
    No, select few should be legal.

  14. Exactly, theres no way every dug ever will or ever should be legal.
  15. Yeah, lets make heroin an over the counter drug and while we're at it, lets make drunk driving legal! It will work because people will know how to handle the drug and themselves. People are smart, right?
  16. just because you make something legal doesn't mean you can't tax and put restrictions on it, stop making it sound like H would be sold like a pack of cigs.

    but i guess the government run by that asshat of a prez should be able to tell me what i can or cannot put in my own body:wave:
  17. Of course drunk driving shouldn't be legal. I despise drunk drivers. Any time you're endangering another persons life, you're in the wrong. But those who use drugs responsibly, are not putting anyone around them in danger. Those who don't use them responsibly, and commit crimes while on a drug, or for a drug, should obviously be punished. However, they should be punished for the activity that was endangering others, and not for the use of the drug.

    A lot of people are not smart at all, you're very right there. But I think a huge part of that problem is that the government puts up this facade that they are protecting you from everything harmful. People don't have to think anymore, they just take what the doctors tell them to take, buy what the government tells them to buy, and believe the things the government says they should believe.

    I don't disagree that upon making all drugs legal, there would be a lot of stupid people who would die or at least fuck themselves up irreparably in the beginning. But then, I don't think it would take long for people to wise up and realize "Hey, I have to actually decide for myself whether this substance is good for me or not".

    We need a world with more personal responsibility. Where people are held responsible for their actions, instead of the music they listened to, the religion they're apart of, or the video games they played.

    If I want to enjoy a few lines of cocaine with a friend every once in a while, I don't think I should get a felony on my record and be imprisoned for that. If I fuck up and rob a store because I need more money for blow, then by all means, send me to jail. But don't punish me for a personal decision.
  18. Well I doubt it would ever be sold like that but my point was that I dont think most people have the mindset to handle it. People are stupid. There are some who always go to the extreme. If people were like us, it could work but from what Ive seen in people, they aren't ready for it. Some think weed is as dangerous as h.

    I just dont think people are responsible enough
  19. Short answer: Yes, someday.

    Long answer: No, not right now. I'm an active advocate for legalization of cannabis, and much of this is based on the fact that cannabis is an remarkably non-toxic and non-detrimental drug.

    I think that when you begin talking about ALL drugs in general, you begin to encounter many more obstacles; highly addictive drugs, highly lethal drugs, etc.
    I think it honestly hurts the cannabis legalization movement; how cannabis is commonly lumped together with crack and meth and heroin, etc.

    This is not to say that these drugs can't be used responsible. I think we should all be able to put whatever the hell in our bodies that we want (minus radioactive elements for obvious reasons).

    Let's work on getting cannabis recognized as a useful medicinal and recreational drug, which can be responsibly used by many people.

    After that, as long as I'm not tending the massive garden I would grow upon permanent decriminalization, I'll work towards getting all those other funs chemicals decriminalized.
  20. Another issue i have is where do we draw the line on what drugs are legal or not?

    Alcohol is legal and it's well documented the countless lives it's fucked up, so why is alcohol not illegal? Same could be said for cigs

    but let's just go ahead and leave cocaine out of it because it's a "more harmful" drug?

    makes very little sense to me

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