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should all drugs be legal?

Discussion in 'General' started by liljeff420, Aug 22, 2008.

  1. the fact that things like weed, shrooms and acid are illegal is the most retarded thing i have ever heard but i think things like crack are illegal for a good reason. i mean dosnt crack actually make people want to go and do bad things. cant it hurt other people than the one who does it? what do you think? should all drugs be legal?
  2. All or none
  3. yes
    they should tax all drugs ex weed cause weed cant be tax so..
    america will make billions of dollars a year if they legalized drugs and tax em
  4. prohibition doesnt work
  5. Yup. What I want to put into my body is none of the government's business, whether it's weed or crack or strychnine.
  6. Yes. Everything.

    The govt. is not my daddy.
  7. Fuck yes all "drugs" should be legal, whatever we want to do to ourselves is OUR choice and no one else's....
  8. yes.
    mmmm drugs...
  9. no, not all drugs should be legal.
  10. no. i love drugs, but no.
  11. Yes. It's my body.
  12. ^^^^^
  13. #13 dankdude420, Aug 23, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2008
    i dont think your poll was very spicific, it sould have been, maybe specify. You seem to think Hard drugs should be illegal, which im with you on this. But recreatial or pschycadelic drugs like acid, shrooms, or weed should be legal; i also agree with you on that. Acid however will never be legal, because no matter how many good things you have to say about it people will always say "Didn't Charles Manson and his 'family' use acid ALOT?" Yea they did, Shrooms would be the only trippy pschcadelic that i would ever see legal, but thats way after weed become illegal

    Also another point id like to point out are that the most dangerous drugs out there are already legal, we giving anti-depresants to little kids; those royaly fuck up your brain when your at such a young age. ADD meds to kids on a daily basis, i mean; its been about 60-70 years since the government was actually looking out for the best interest of America...

  14. #14 nfs924, Aug 23, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2008
    Care to elaborate any? I'm just wondering your exact viewpoint on why all drugs shouldn't be legalized. All drugs follow the same basic principals that marijuana legalization follows. Prohibition just encourages drug use, and can force people to turn to harder drugs. Why should someone have the right to tell you what you can and cannot put in your own body? The worst drugs are already legal anyway...
  15. I couldn't imagine ever thinking myself so privileged as to have the moral authority to tell someone else what they can't put in their body.

    Even if I thought it was my privelage to do so, I would never be so tyrannical as to punish their disobedience with fine or inprisonment.
  16. no, just weed and alcohol

    having a buffet of drugs available to america would not be good
  17. Yes, absolutely.

    I don't want to say it will never happen, because our civilization still has a period of intellectual ascension and enlightenment (which is a dangerous word in this day and age) to go through before legislation against its own people is entirely disbanded, but we may only see the tip of the iceberg revealed in our own lifetimes. When I say civilization, of course, I'm naturally talking about humanity as a whole... not just one country or population surrounded by supposed borders and restrictions.

    Minds as powerful as our own were not meant to be governed, restricted, or repressed in any way. As control and repression moves farther along any timeline, so does the inability to willingly and conscientiously make our own decisions under our own light. This includes everything from what we ingest, eat, drink, read, listen to, create, believe, keep, give away and trade, all the way to who we see, speak to, love, marry and so on.

    In my eyes, governing what a person experiences in their lifetime is just as bad as tying them to a chair with a thin pipe bound to their eyes pointing at the same scene, unmoving for their tenure on this planet. They cannot move or imagine anything outside of this vision, they can only sit there, watch and say: 'This is what is there. Nothing more. Nothing less. That's life.'
  18. Our minds are powerful?
  19. Don't be pessimistic. Take a look at the ratio as a whole: As human beings, we only use between 5-10% of our actually conscious mind, the rest of which has yet to be illuminated and has been moving along at a fairly rapid rate for thousands of years.

    I can think of countless possibilities of where we as a civilization would be, had we focused less on trivialities and put our energy towards something that may aid us in progressing as a whole.
  20. i guess why not.

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