short n sweet

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by hazzystorm, Oct 3, 2003.

  1. jack and jill went up the hill to smoke some marijuana
    jack got high unzipped his fly and jill said i dont wanna
  2. roses are red,
    violets are blue,
    I'm schizophrenic...

    and so am I.
  3. ^^ shitzzz lol to both of you :D
  4. roses are red
    apples are sour
    open your mouth
    and ill show you power
  5. There once was a man from mass.
    who had balls that were made out of brass
    he rubbed them together in dark stormy weather, and lightning shot out of his ass

    There once was a young gigilo named bruno,
    who said, "screwing is one thing i do know.
    while camels are fine, and sheep are divine, llamas are numero uno."
  6. I just remembered this one: Jack and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pail of water. At least thats what they said they did, but now they have a daughter.
  7. my mom told me one about jack and jill...

    Jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water,
    stupid Jill forgot her pill,
    now they have a daughter.
  8. Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water,
    Jack fell down and broke is crown and Jill laughed her ass off at him.

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