Shipping Edibles

Discussion in 'Marijuana Business and Industry' started by maverick24, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. #1 maverick24, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2014
    Now I am not trying to do this but, was wondering if shipping edibles is illegal why are so many people on instagram selling/mailing/promoting on there? Would it not be real easy to get caught?
    I have literally seen posts showing the whole process from making the budder to shipping packages and also pics from people receiving packages in non-legal states.


    instagram is full of is all a lie, a big farce, an april fools joke...marijuana doesn't even exist...nobody has seen marijuana since they destroyed it in the 60's with paraquat... :eek:
    1. not everything you see on the internet is real or the truth :cry: :cry:\t
    2. people do violate laws out of greed :devious:\t
    3. crime does pay. :ey:\t
    4. truth is a biatch aint it :confused_2:
    spamming the same topic can get the mods miffed I hear...
  3. I want to help but you use Instagram as an example. Sorry kid.
  4. Just ....makes some edibles....
  5. You will get raped in the pen if you do this.Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum

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