shipping container grows...

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by dfend, Aug 26, 2019.

  1. hi, i'm brand new here... i've been growing indoor sealed room/co2 enriched for over a decade... but i need to set up in a shipping container. i want to do 8 lights plus a small 1 or 2 light veg/mother room. i rigure ill do dirt beds OR pots in moveable 4X8 beds so that i can cram them efficiently into an 8, wide container. i have already a 4 ton split AC which will cool off everything nicely... agin, this will be a sealed, CO2 enriched room with charcoal scrubbers to clean the air. my questions are how do i control humidity, i hear its a bitch in steel containers, and what else do i need to look out for? i live in pacific NW, so we have humidity here. any tips/suggestions are appreciated. thanks
  2. I used a dehumidifier when I was growing with CO2. I used water from the dehumidifier to water the plants.
  3. What is beneficial, if anything, about watering with the dehumidifier water?? To not "waste" the water....or is there something about it that will enrich the plants?
  4. Water from the dehumidifier is basically distilled water. Using it was convenient.
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  5. OK, that's what I was thinking...but I wanted to check.:passing-joint:
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  6. Insulate and vapor barrier the inside then control with dehumidifier.
  7. You will have a hell of a time controlling humidity in a shipping container. I'd recommend putting up some interior walls or something spaced away from the actual metal container to prevent moisture buildup with inside / outside temp differences. My friend tried one last year and it basically turned into an oven on the hot days (had to shade the container and it still got hot) and turned into an ice box on cold nights, with condensation constantly showing up every morning.
  8. Your A/C unit is already removing moisture out of the air .
    If your shipping container is warm it would be better to add A/C units then dehumidifiers .
    I would consider spray foam insulating the shipping container ..
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