Ok so here we go, looooong time lurker, first journal ever. I really don't even write notes down for myself, which is kind of the reason for this journal... Anyways, I suppose I should start with a little backround info. I have grown before, but it's been about 2 years since my last grow. I have tried both hydroponics and soil in the past. I had great results with hydroponics/aeroponics in homemade systems using the lucas formula... The room I used to grow in is now where we grow our human babies so needless to say all my equipment was sent to the garage. A couple months ago I got the OK from Mrs. Shhthead to take over her closet and grow us our own supply again... I think with the kiddos coming in to the mix it really made us realize that we need to me more effiecient at taking care of ourselves... and lets face it... its pretty ridiculous to pay for something you can probably grow better in your own closet... But you all know that so why beat a dead horse... I will continue this once I figure out how to post from my phone...