Sharing some good news, best outcome ever.

Discussion in 'General' started by flyawayj, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. So I have just recently slipped into a slump in my life. I was just always out of it didn't feel like doing much of anything, then about 3 weeks into the fall semester of college last fall, I withdraw from all over my classes.

    My father paid for my tuition because he's the reason I am illegible for financial aid and I hid it from him that I dropped my classes.

    I started drinking with coworkers everynight to the point of unconsciousness, but I quit drinking completely and started smoking bud. Now I got some ground movin' forward underneath my feet. I am back in school focused now more than ever, I got a new job and a new place to live. I recently joined the gym and started running everyday. Things are looking pretty good for me at the moment.

    I just told my father about withdrawing from all of my classes and the truth about how everything went down after I first moved out and he was astonishingly proud of my honesty, and now i'm back to school and everything I couldn't be happier. Just had a gigantic weight lifted off my shoulders.

    Just goes to show man.. just be honest with people, it really helps.:smoking:
  2. Nice, welcome to the city and toke on dude.

  3. Awesome man thanks so much :smoking:
  4. Glad to hear your lifes getting back on track before you ended up in an even worse place. Happy toking!
  5. Nice work! Yoooouuu can doooooo it!
  6. Awesome man! im kind of in the same situation as you, so this gave me a little inspiration :)

    Keep doin your thing! dont fall back into that mess.
  7. What was making you feel down? You should completely fix that before using marijuana as a crutch. Your dad sounds like a good guy if he's paying for your tuition don't dick around in school because of that. But I'm glad you worked everything out and was able to be honest with your dad.

  8. Yeah man, I have felt like this before when things start falling into place. The last time I had a clarity of thought I went from 300lbs to 175 and went from dropping out of college to joining the AirForce, then I got medically discharged and that's what started out my depression. Now that I got my life back from all of the jumble I am ready to get back down to 175, perhaps even 160. I am so hyped to be moving forward again finally.

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