Sharia Law in the U.K., Say It Ain't So!

Discussion in 'General' started by stoned budda, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. I read the whole article and didn't really understand why it's "unavoidable"

    Goddamnit I hate religion.
  2. fucking rationalizing and enforcing recognition of certain aspects of religion.
    Shari'ah wasn't even supposed to be mandatory when it was developed. It was merely the observations of how Muhammad conducted himself and suggestions on how to imitate him as one path of many for spiritual transcendence. Islam used to be incredibly tolerant of spiritual people of all kinds and its sad that its become so oppressive that a nation thousands of miles away from the middle east cannot keep its own traditional way of operating in society... immigrants should adapt, not the other way around as it was their choice in destination.

  3. Anglo-Saxon Guilt, that's why its unavoidable. You know when i was in the service and in Saudi Arabia we weren't even allowed to wear a cross on a necklace or carry a bible, but we gotta kiss their asses, fuck that man, England just sold their culture.
  4. I know we do similar stuff here for Jewish folk, as well as aboriginals. It's for civil matters, not criminal matters, criminal cases still go to the state court, but if both sides agree to it they are able to resolve their civil issues in their traditional ways. I don't really see a problem with that.

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