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Share YOUR 1st experience with others (IN DEPTH experience reports).

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by EuphoricApathy, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. #1 EuphoricApathy, Feb 18, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2013


    I'll Start...

    Hello, my name is Euphoric Apathy, and I would like to tell you about my first experience with the recreational drug Marijuana. I wanted to talk about the first experience in particular because of its effects on me, and how it changed my views on reality and this experience we go through known as life. As well as perhaps a reference for the Marijuana experience.

    It was late one day when I decided I'd go up to my friend's house to hang out. We decided to go for a walk through this forest like area, and he brought a little baggy of Orange Kush. When we got to our "Hangout spot" we sat down on a large tree root, and he decided to pull out his stash. He lit a joint and starting taking hits, then once again, this was probably the 10th time or so, he offered me a hit,(He has never 'pressured' me into trying marijuana and has always been cool about letting me decide to try it when I was ready) I gave an answer to that question I never had before. I said yes.

    The second I did, I knew I was going to be experiencing something amazing, and my Adrenal Glands did, too. My heart pumped, and my fingers shook as he passed me the joint. I put the lighter up to joint, tried to light it, and didn't hit the damn thing. My fingers were shaking to damn badly! He laughed and said “You want me to light it?” I said "Yeah man". I put the joint in my mouth and handed him the lighter, he lit it as I inhaled, and smoke filled my lungs for the first time.

    The smoke filled my lungs, and it felt great, the familiar oxygen gas that normally filled my lungs was replaced by a thicker batter, swirling around inside my lungs. I let the smoke go from my nostrils and partly my mouth. My friend worked on his second joint at the time this was going on. A feeling of pride overcame me. I've seen people cough when smoking, I didn't cough at all, and it felt fine. All the others are pussies I thought.

    He told me to take another hit, and said “hold it in after inhaling this time, better effect”. I took his advice. He told me it was already going, so I put it to my mouth, sucked in. The smoke filled my lungs once again.

    I held it for the longest time (long for me), it was a big hit. I felt a burning sensation in my lungs, forcing me to exhale, along with a hardy cough lasting several times. “Damn it” I thought, “I'm not a badass after all, now I know why people cough.” Still with some burning in my lungs from the second hit, I decided I'd do it again. Put my mouth to the joint, took the hit, held it, and blew out. Even more violent coughing this time.

    It'd been about two and a half minutes since we first lit the joint, perhaps a little longer. I asked him how long it would take for me to feel the effects, he replied “it should take about five minutes or so for you to start feeling it”, and with that he pulled out an mp3 and we chilled to some tunes. I sat on the ground, occasionally getting up and walking around looking at the forest to kill time. Another minute passed, then another. That's when it hit me like a bullet.

    My vision, it was my vision first. I'd move my eyes, look around at different places, the trees, the sky, my friend looking at his MP3, didn't matter what I looked at. Every time I'd move my eyes, it lagged. Like watching frames of a movie slowly, like flipping through a slideshow. This was amazing, my vision had changed, and my brain was interpreting movement of my eyes differently. I'd look at the ground, or the bushes, regardless, it looked amazing. I also felt as if I was out of my body looking at these things, still in my body, but with such emphasis on my vision, the other senses didn't seem as strong, giving the feeling of being out of my body. Not literally, but you get the picture. Things warped and changed dimension. That's when the most amazing, and, for lack of a better word, holy experience I've ever felt happened.

    I started feeling like I was being tickled very lightly all over my body. From head to toe, a tingling. This evolved from the slight tingling to slight pressure. It felt as if thousands of fingers were pushing on every fabric of my body. Arms, head, stomach, and the lower extremities (legs…yes, I speak of legs). This felt amazing, so amazing I couldn't help but giggle. Minor giggling, not just out of the blue, but meaningful giggling from the feeling of tiny fingers poking me over my body. But even that didn't last long. It evolved once more.

    Now electricity flowed through me. It was slow at first, still slight fingers poking, then more and more, it felt like electricity running through my body in rings. And I don't mean zapping every part of me at the same time. It started at my stomach, and rings of current zipped outward through my arms, legs, and so on, in sync with each other. Slowly, zap, a ring of current ran down my arms legs, et cetera, zap, another one, and then faster, and faster, rings of current ran down my extremities as fast as you can blink, until it became one continuous current zapping my body. I could even hear it!

    I had to sit down. This was too much to bear, I broke out laughing hysterically, and nearly choking at times I'd laugh so hard. I really have to give my regards to this part of the experience, it was such an amazing feeling that I have tried, and probably failed, to accurately describe in words, if I believed in God, this would be like him making your body his house.

    My friend was smiling, I couldn't tell if it was from the weed, or from him seeing me stoned. I'm assuming a bit of both. He smiled a big wide smile and said, “If you think this is funny, wait until you hear this!” He turned on some comedian he has saved to his MP3, which I could barely hear from the electricity sounds I heard as the current charged me while I laughed. The comedian ranted and raved as the crowd laughed and cheered, and I didn't care. I could barely hear it anyway. Maybe my friend thought I was laughing even harder when he turned it on, or maybe he knew I didn't hear it at all from being so stoned. Whatever he thought, I didn't hear it, and I was too busy with the electricity tickling me.

    After awhile, I'm guessing five minutes, maybe ten, it subsided a little bit. I felt around with my hands, the motion was delayed! It was more ‘choppy' than delayed. Like watching a strobe light, you see someone walking, instead of a stream of movement; you see them in one place, then two feet further, then two feet further. Like that, it was delayed slightly, and felt ‘choppy' as I described, as well as blocky. It was a very amazing thing to feel, and being so; I couldn't stop moving around to feel the motion. I'd slide around on the ground, and feel the odd motion, and do it again while rubbing my hands on my pants, or doing the hand washing motions.

    My friend decided we should go do something, and we agreed on a movie. The conversation we had was interesting, instead of remembering it fully it echoed in my head, and distorted itself, sometimes forgetting what I said, but never what he said. It was time we went down some stairs in his house. So we went down the carpeted stairs, delayed chunky motion making it feel amazing, and I plopped on the couch. He put in Half Baked, a movie we rented earlier, and we started watching it on his home entertainment center.

    The sound was amazing, it felt like it had depth, that it was there in the room with me, surrounding me, and was real. Granted, surround sound never sounds crappy, but this experience made it that much better. I was so busy with the delayed motion, electricity, echoing sounds in my head from us talking, or sitting a glass down or whatever, and stop motion vision made me very unable to focus on the movie, I couldn't have cared less about it, I was having ‘fun' in this experience, far too much to care about a movie. But for the sake of experimentation, I decided to see if I could focus on it, and I could, with added intensity, too. I felt like I was there in the movie.

    I also found out I could ‘come down' from the high, and return to the ‘normal' world at any time. But I decided not to, to experience the amazing things I was at the time. I closed my eyes, laid back on the couch, and snoozed for a moment, thinking. Shapes and images were very clear and easy to see in my mind at this point.

    The shapes and images I experienced weren't unlike what you'd see at night when you look into the darkness and see neon lights, same idea here, but very vivid and crisp. These shapes were actually 'there', it wasn't just me reflecting upon them and imagining what they'd look like, it was as if they were floating under my eyelids.

    I have studied Sacred Geometry, and being so, many of the memories of such shapes appeared, as well as geometrical patterns I've never encountered before. Imagining things took much less effort, as detail seemed to fill in naturally, and any images I might remember, something I stared at and kept in my mind through my life, so on, were very vivid. In typical memories (at least for me), images are fuzzy, and missing detail, shirts will only have color, no words or details unless I remember the specific details of the occasion. But in this experience, it was more like seeing the actual thing, whether I actually remembered the detail, or it was just my mind 'filling' it in, the detail was there.

    I swished my head back and forth on a pillow on the couch, and with the motion delay, it felt like wet sand rubbing against my head, with crashing wave sounds. After focusing, I could feel I was just slowly moving my head back and forth, and the crunching sound of my hair against the pillow case was causing the sound effects. I easily went into the sand and wave swishing again, and stayed there for awhile. The motion made me feel as if I were ‘waking up', from this reality, and entering a new one, like I was sleeping in this dream, and was waking up from it into the world, and Marijuana was the key to doing it. Have you ever been in a dream and could feel yourself moving in the real world in your bed? It was like that, but waking from the reality we're in here and now to a new one. I contemplated a great many things during this time and easily so, being that time seemed to slow down. No matter what I did, everything moved slowly.

    I decided since I was so weary at the time that I'd go home. I said my goodbyes to my friend, put my broken sandals on, and started the journey home. To tell you the truth, the idea of walking home in the dark in a somewhat woody area was much scarier than actually doing it. I was wondering if being stoned would make me hallucinate, it didn't. The shadows seemed to flow more wildly, and it felt very mystical, but nothing more. The entire three-hundred foot journey wasn't anything special.

    I went inside, shut the door, and walked to my room without a seconds notice. It was late, I was tired, and even though I wanted to stay up, I decided not to, sleep was more important. And I'd probably be able to experience this amazing occurrence again. So I fell asleep with this knowledge. I fell asleep surprisingly easy, perhaps from being so relaxed. Getting poked by millions of fingers simultaneously can do that to you. My dreams were very vivid and wild compared to the normal. And were for days after that.

    I woke up the next morning, and felt a little unfocused throughout the day, kind of the aftereffects of smoking Marijuana I assume. It wasn't something I could pinpoint, it was something very faint, but I was still a little fuzzy from the previous night. I did my stuff, the day passed like any other, I went to bed again. When I woke up the next day I felt refreshed and completely back down to the normal.

    New things happen every time I smoke Marijuana, and the stronger the dose, the more interesting it is. On the highest dose I took, everything turned into 2D objects. People turned into puppets, everything else props with strings attached. I might perhaps write about them sometime. But for now, this is the report of my first experience on Marijuana. I hope I've given you an idea of my amazing experience, and even though words are more inert than actually experiencing it for yourself, I hope I've conveyed the bulk of what happened for you.

    All in all, this was an amazing experience for me, and something I think everyone should try at least once. It's changed the way I look at things forever, and shows that your perception isn't the only way to see through the looking glass. I hope I've given you some information, or perhaps just a good time with this story of my first experience. But anyway, thanks for reading, and may your experiences in life are as incredible as mine have been.

  2. first time i got high was 4 years ago when i was 15, i had smoked probably 5 or 6 times before that and thought i just didnt get as high as everybody else, obviously i was wrong... i went to my friends house with a dub of some lemon kush, he had some shit that smelled like high mid and my other friend came over with a dub of some diesel that was probably some of the loudest shit i have ever smelled, it legitimately smelled like gas... we roll a blunt with about a dime of my bud a dime of the diesel and probably another dime of the high mid... we wait for his parents to go to sleep, open up the basement door and spark the blunt then i hit it second then pass it to dude who brought the diesel, repeated the rotation for what was probably about 20 or so minutes... i felt something but nothing i hadn't felt before, we go in to watch a movie (the invention of lying) and as soon as i sit down i just said "holllyyyy shiiitttt"... the other two laughed and were like "yea you bout to be high as shit"... then dude who brought the diesel started playin two joints by sublime and all of a sudden we all just bust out laughing... we were geekin for literally half the movie then we were like what the fuck are we watching, so we swiftly changed the channel to, of all things, thats so raven, we say fuck it, they went back to the computer and look at grasscity meanwhile im high as fuck just coolin it in my chair... after probably about 5-10 minutes of staring at the wall i decide to scratch my balls only to find out that was the single most pleasurable feeling i had in my life up to that point, i promptly say "it feels like i have a boner but i dont"... geeking ensues for all three of us... after the episode of laughter occurs we decide to call it a night... i wake up the next morning still high, though not to the extent i was the night before... end of my old sober life and on to a life of weed and only weed... with the exception of two two week long t-breaks i have smoked every day for the past three years... EuphoricApathy, weed is fun but dont fall into the wrong crowd because you will get exposed to other shit, i've seen friends go to rehab for coke, i've seen one of my best friends od on dope and 2 of my best friends become full on alcoholics... keep in mind im only 19... and keep an eye out for Jake, central booking isn't fun...
  3. I appreciate your advice,dont worry,Marijuana is the hardest drug ill ever do.:D

  4. make sure your friends stay true to that as well... there is nothing worse than watching your friends going downhill and you being the only one seeing it because you're the only one who's in touch with reality... sorry if that was a buzz kill but i just wish someone told me that when i first started smokin
  5. to much pointless stuff in the story sorry bro, my story is I brought an eighth with a friend and smoked a bunch of bowls in his bong, and got very high.
  6. Fiirst time i got high, i was a friends basement people were chilling and i took to 2 bong rips. It was actually kind of cool cuz i dndt even asked i just found the bong in my hands and took 1 later, and later another one. I fellt couchlocked stoned feeling amazing, and i thought to myself wow this is my thing.
    Anyways ive been alwas the type of smoker that enjoys the comedown ,burnt out feeling than the peak high itself. So its amazing when you get stoned your first time and suddenlt its like 10pm and u dindt even realized.
  7. Then you fail to see the point of "in depth", furthermore , your story did not describe your high AT ALL.
  8. I was 14, went to a friends house got high as fuck, went down town with a friend to pick up some beers, mum was around recognized the car and came to see if I was in it. Jamming out to system I looked up and she was there. She asked if I was stoned and I just giggled and said yes. Went back to mates had more beers and bongs, went home next day and got a lecture, lol.
  9. I was 16 years old, just broke up with my girlfriend of a year and a half.. Was having a really shitty week and wanted to try something new. I hit up my boy will, and we planned to smoke at my friends house who's never smoked before just like me. Ends up he gets called to work, so I ask he can just bring me something for 20 bucks. Now I realized he gave me 2 grams of what around here we call AZ, which is low quality bud. It was piney smelling and super green.. Something I'd never smoke now!!! Anyways, so he gives me that for 20 and then I realize.. Idk how to smoke! I've never rolled, no bowl, nothing! So I called my friend Nolan who I knew smoked, explained the situation, and had him come through to smoke him up. We sneak out of my friends house and get a soda can and smoked like a gram of it outside of the community college around the block. I was absolutely pumped, the high was the best feeling I've ever felt. I went back to my friends house and ate 2 large bags of Cheetos swirls, and eventually passed out.. Woke up the next morning and puked up all the Cheetos.. Like, I literally puked pure orange Cheetos for ten minutes (only time I've ever puked from smoking, but it was from how many damn Cheetos I ate)
    Anyways, i absolutely fell in love with smokin right then and there. I decided to explore Mary Jane further for information, and learned of all it's benefits and how much it helps with my ADHD and my acid reflux (I was waking up every morning sick for no reason for 2 months). Since this day, Mary Jane has benefitted me so much, and I can't wait to get a license soon as I'm out of NY state!
    Happy tokin' blades

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