
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Digit, Mar 24, 2003.


Select an option that best represents your opinion on sexism.

  1. Men are all shovanistic pigs, they all deserve a good kick in the goolies!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Men are still too sexist as proven by their continued dominance in the workplace

    0 vote(s)
  3. Women should be allowed to be sexist to men to make up for all the years men supressed women.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Equality can never be achieved due to the differances in men and women.

    0 vote(s)
  5. We have equality... there may be a few people who still don't get it... but...we are getting the

    0 vote(s)
  6. Society now allows women to be sexist agains men, but men arent allowed to be sexist against women,

    0 vote(s)
  7. Women have two places in society and they are both in the home (kitchen and Bedroom)

    0 vote(s)
  1. LOL...I meant what I said :D
  2. Oranges are freakin' awesome!
    It's like:
    a ball of juice
    and peeling it is slightly erotic
    oranges are much better than apples

    Apples are great when in cider form.
    an apple a day keeps the doctor away
    the green ones are the best
    but the red and green ones are pretty good too


    they are both round tho, i guess they can be compared... o ya... and they both grow on trees... heh... trees... oh yeah ... they ... um ... i forgot what i was gonna say.

    maybe if i smoke another bowl i'll remember?

  3. u nearly right on that racism thing... i think.

    i reccon it works more on a majority-minority thing. the majority can be racist against the minority until there is a anti racism revolution, when, a few people in the minority wont have the intligence to see what this means and will then be racist against the majority only to have this half accepted by the majority (because of history(perhaps))... this will then fade until a time may be reached when the unintelligent sectors of the majority then once again slowly start finding ways to be racist against the minority.

    now in this model there are three types of people. majority, minority and the as yet unmentioned nuls. the nuls can be of an ethnicity of either the majority's or minority's, the thing that sepereaes them is that they are not racist.

    so for most of us this would translate as (to put it very simply) Whites, Blacks* and Non-racists. or rather... White racists, black racists and non racists.
    *including any "ethnic minority" (a term far too often misused and abused today)

    where i have used the term "unintelligent" or the phrase "wont have the intligence" i really think i mean narrowmindedness.

  4. Whoah ... longest sentence ever. ;-). Had to read it like 3 times.


    ok, seriously

    I agree... i think.

    P.S. How does everyone put in those cool smileys?

    P.P.S. This is what i use for a high emoticon |-Y <-- see? he's smokin' a J.

    P.P.P.S. Wow, this is pretty fun.

    P.P.P.P.S. Doooooobie Doobie Dooooooo
  5. heehee... yeah sorry. really bad punctuation and sentence structure there. english was never my best subject at school.... infact... it's my worst.

    shame it was only discovered that i was dislexic once i had left school and with only 5 months of my college days left.
  6. when are we going to see a female president?

    and since racism got thrown into this thread too... when are we going to see a non-cocasian president? seems strange that there hasnt been one yet... in a nation made up of imigrants... a nation who's native people arent white.

    i realy hope they don't put condeliza right (white? i forget her name) in power just so they can say they've had one. i bet they do tho. she's just as much a pawn as bush jnr is. more so maybe.
  7. Man hating, sexist women have "in-the-closet lesbian" written all over them.

    Not that there's anything wrong with lesbians.

    *apply mental picture here*

    *drool . . .
  8. thnx 420 girlie.

    passdadro... a little? alot i say.

    i've never seen one racist white comedian (xcept bernard manning) do any work in recent times.... its so comonly accepted these days for a black guy do take the piss outta white people. same goes for the women/men devide. women do it all the time ... nearly all of them ... jo brand is top of the pile tho.

  9. See, you guys think I'm all about sex, but I keep up on my current issues ;)
  10. I'm sure there are times in the day that sex doesn't even cross your mind! You do sleep don't you?
  11. Sometimes I do actually get to sleep, but I wouldn,t say sex doesn't cross my mind then. Some of the best sex is had in dreams ;)
  12. I have woke up wet a few times myself..

    I knew that you dreamed about sex!!!!!!
  13. Of course I dream about sex, Thats like pming Critter and saying I bet your stoned right now ;)
  14. Hahahahahaha. You are right about that!..
  15. Again, that's a given. I'm always right ;)
  16. Bud head r u a guy or girl?
  17. im all for women's rights, but women tend to take it too far. the whole equal rights thing has become such a double standard thats there more ways to argue the modern women's movement then there is time
  18. Personally, I think the sixth option (Society now allows women to be sexist agains men, but men arent allowed to be sexist against women, thuse proving how we missed the point of equality once again) sums up the situation today best of all.

  19. yup my thoughts exactly, more so with the racism one. if you get abused in the past does not make it all right to give back just as bad as you get !!! there is no excuse

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