sexing seeds

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by natureman, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. Has anyone ever heard aout this method of sexing seeds.
    Watch the video.

    It's hard to look at the end of the seed .
    Any suggestions?
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  2. Loooool. Ok, so I'm actually getting ready to try this with some baggers. Once I get rolling I'm going to post the results. Got all my mics and loupes ready. I've been called a fool, a dreamer, a sucker, but we'll know for sure in about 2 mos. Could be an epic troll fest for all I know.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  3. i'm 2 for 2 so far with this out of my own curiosity. So far 100% but like i say i've only done two. I hope it's right because if it is all 4 of my 9 lb hammer seeds are girls. i use a 60x loupe to look at the seeds.
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  4. Mmmmm????? Hope its rite!!! xx
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  5. It may save me a few quid paying for feminized seeds in future!!! Hopefully xx
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  6. I watched the same video before I planted my seeds, but I did not mark which seeds are which but I think I tenner picking all ones that are supposed to female and right now I'm 4/4 on females

    But like I said I didn't write down which was which and only 4/6 seeds germinated
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  7. It's just a myth, I've had tons of fem seeds that you would have passed over with this method and a few males that came from reg seeds that looked like the ones in the video.
  8. I wanted to know if there was a method for sexing seeds and most say no way but if it can be proven by this method then why not at least give it a try.What have you got to lose.
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  9. Any experienced grower/breeder will tell you fem seeds come in all shapes and sizes. I'm not saying the seeds you select wont be female, and there is a chance they wont be in my experience, but the other seeds you pass over could be female too this is not a sure method or even a widely accepted one and I assure you we all tested this when it the rumor started years ago, but you're welcome to experiment for yourself.
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  10. Well I used my microscope, lined up 25 Mexicans and 25 gscs. I picked 10 each based on that video or a similar one, and like any sane person did not junk the others... just passed them by for now. If both batches are well over 50% fem, like closer to 70-80 then:
    A. There may be something to this.
    B. I'll have way too many females growing.

    So, win/win?

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  11. Haha so true there may be something to it. Would love to see the results. What about seed size and growth vigour. Lots of variables to explore.
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  12. Rather than start a thread I'll just drop the results here. I'd like to know personally one way or another. I have to pick seeds to germ either way, so in the end if I only wind up with half fem the whole process has cost me 45 minutes with a net loss of nothing!

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  13. Open challenge. If someone labels beans and tracks them all the way through and can guess even 60% of sex based solely on seed appearance a pile of seeds may somehow magically appear in your garden one day... 50 seed minimum for control purposes.. Label with strain, sex guess, and an individual serial number and set up a controlled experiment ;)

    Sent from my Spaceship using the Grasscity App.
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  14. Lol/Ouch. Well even on 2 acres I can't do 50. I'm not in a "cool" state and working two jobs. Germing now. I can do without the magical appearance, if it means starting with 20. But I like the challenge!

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
  15. i'm only growing 4 at a time so it's going to take a while but so far both of the seeds i checked this way were right. I'm not saying this is concrete science just saying it works so far. Shit it might not even be science at all but it's interesting.
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  16. So my outdoors are finally flowering. With 8 viable plants I wound up with 7 fems. Not conclusive...but interesting and possibly worth the extra 20-30 mins I took to hand pick the seeds with a microscope.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.

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