Sexing plants

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by mr_brady2003, Jan 6, 2009.

  1. Hey I have 7 plants that were all started from seed and I am planning on taking clones from them. Is there a way to sex a plant and then take clones from it or will I have to take clones from all the plants and sex a clone?

  2. It depends on their age. Contrary to popular belief it is possible to sex a plant before you begin flowering. When your plants reach the 4-6 week mark they should begin to show signs of pre-flowers. Pre-flowers will tell you what sex the plant is going to be.

    But, if you don't want to wait until the pre-flowers show, you can either flip the lights to 12/12 until they show sex and then flip them back and take clones. Or, as you mentioned, you can take clones and sex them after they root to determine the sex of your 'mother' plants.

    Either way it is going to take a few weeks.

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck.
  3. Read my link on sexing below.

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