Sex or sexual favours for weed

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by stonestoner, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. If you were given the option of paying your dealer sexual favours or sex for weed instead of paying money would you and how far would u go depending on the amount i.e. hand job for quarter
  2. So what is the going conversion rate between weed and prostitution nowadays anyway?
  3. yah right no way I'm falling for this a 3rd time
  4. I would donate plasma like a normal addict
  5. everything but no kissing on the mouth
  6. Well I know a dealer who is a girl so I guess I'd go all the way :ey:
  7. I had a girl give me head as long as i shared my blunt with her.. Good ride that day.
  8. I'm not gay nor incest, I'd have to pass. And even if its a non-related female, if she's paying for sex she's probably hideous.
  9. Stupid morals, ITS FREE WEED! Id suck a dick for it.
  10. I'd cum in his eyes and snatch the weed while he is paralyzed.

  11. What? hahaha where'd that incest bomb come from?
  12. It isnt crack dude
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. No but sucking dick is fun and enjoyable, id do it for the hell of it. Now if someone is willing to give me free weed then its a plus lol.

  14. My dealer is one of my siblings lol. It would make for an awkward Christmas dinner.
  15. It has nothin to do with morals.. I could give a fuck less about morality. My problem is the whole dick in my mouth or ass thing, its not appealing.
  16. You need a female dealer then lol, tits and ass man and free weed.

  18. I totally would, and i'm 100% strait, its just because i love weed.

  19. ..... Really now?
  20. #20 MysteryRoach69, Jan 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2013
    A girl I know traded sex for a half ounce

    What a dumby, this was in WA state thats only like $140 at retail. I was scooping up halfers for $100 last year and it was dank.

    She was hot too she could have got some guy to pay like $400 easily and then bought way more weed.

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