Server Crash

Discussion in 'General' started by Superjoint, May 3, 2002.

  1. Dear members we have expereinced a hard disk crash on our server, we are working on it to fix the problem A.S.A.P. . It is possible you will run into some error pages, please have some patience so we can fix this. Kees_67 en Sjaak are running as crazy to fix this for you, it is here deep in the middle of the night, so we can have some delay here. Keep with us brothers and sisters. The City is working for you! And send Kees en Sjaak some good karma, there are loosing sleep for all of us!

    It seems a bit like murphy's law these last couple of weeks, the troubles on our machines don't seem to stop :(
    Keep with me here!


  2. thank you, sj, kees, et al, for all the hard work you are doing. I love this site and even though I don't post alot, I visit every day! Am sending you good karma I hope this is the end of your troubles. This is the only place I visit on a daily basis. Thanks again!!
  3. A big thanks for keeping the system going and letting us know whats happening. I am sending great karma followed by wishes of luck to ya.

    Thanks agsain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Special thanx to Superjoint,Kees_67,and Sjaak for all they do,,,peace and good karma....

    Attached Files:

  5. Some more thanks! For all those who keep this forum up and running, the server crashes have been hardly noticable and we appreciate all you do for this website. You guys are great!!
  6. Thanks ya'll for ALL you do for us!!!!! Patience is one of the first things this 'puter taught me, and you guy's have all mine!! :smoking:
  7. Its nice to know that the people running our fair city are trying to make it the best it can be. Thyanx to all of them for keepin it running, Good luck and Good karma on your troubles, later~
  8. good luck on fixing it and thanks to all who are working on it

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