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Seriously women...stop fucking with my brain.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Atlblazer, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. Alright, well this is not really a question as much as it is a statement. My gf is 22 and im 23 shes in college, im out. Well, she tells me last night, when I hang out with her and her friend, that her friend knows how lucky she is because our time is precious, because we do not get that much time together, she is a busy girl, very busy I see her at most 15 hours out of the week, and sometimes not at all in a week.

    Well, last night she says, I have my whole day to see you tomorrow, and I'm like great that rocks. Well, this morning when she calls, shes like Oh well you have to wait a few hours, I have to do my work for like 3 classes, because I have training tomorrow, and I wanna see my friend. I just do not under fucking stand it .....

    Why say our time is precious, then screw me over today, see her friend tomorrow.
  2. Dude honestly, there isn't anything to do. Bitches are crazy. If I was in that situation, my ex gf would have said "why the fuck did you hang out with yesterday! I told you I wanted to god damnit!". <--- if your girl's like that, she needs to be in the past son. That's the best advice I can give
  3. I would trip too dude. That's kinda whack but she's gonna do whatever she wants.
  4. ...she sounds exactly like me in a relationship, i'll admit im a bad boyfriend, but you're 23, she's 22. you guys still both have individual lives to live and must understand that your gf isn't going to drop everything in her life to dedicate it to you, she still needs to graduate, and maintain a healthy social life, if this is not the relationship you want you probably shouldn't stay in it. but i'd like this much more than the restricting/over-jelous gf!!!
  5. Dude sounds like she procrastinated on some homework or something that may be due Monday. I'd say let it ride for now.
  6. They mess with your head because they can't kick your ass:cool:
  7. Although it is a pain in the ass when your partner changes plans and lets you down... sometimes it is good to be a bit flexible about it. You said yourself that she is a busy girl, so asking for a few hours really isn't the end of the world. My boyfriend used to forget about plans we had made and run off without his phone when he made plans with his other friends. It's a pain in the ass, but don't call it "fucking with your brain"... it's just inconsiderate. And that is not right, so let her know... but you don't have to be too upset about it.
  8. fuck bitches and get money.
  9. ...I may be a biological women, but I'm sympathizing with you dudes here. Women always complain about men... never consider they can be just as annoying or more. Plus, they play those little mind games. Ugh. Hate the mind games.

    Chin up guys. At least there's one woman that sympathizes with you all.

    PS- If something had some up for her, she should have just said that... jeez.

  10. Nah, I don't like tell her not to hang out with people, or stop her from doing anything. Like I said, I only get to see her for about 10-15 hours each week. But, then on the time she was gonna take out for us, she switches it up, and goes with someone else...
  11. Me and my girl have had a few incidents like this before. Shit happens though, you know? Sometimes people space out and make mistakes. If it becomes a trend, then I would say something.

    Otherwise, smoke three bowls, a beer, and your favorite movie or book.

    Hell, smoke a bowl either way. Those conversations aren't fun to have.
  12. thats what i had, i got a great one now tho.
  13. All you're thinking is why isn't she hanging out with me if she thinks it's precious time we have together.

    All she's thinking is that any moment she has *free* to hang out with you is precious, but she doesn't have any now.

    Either give her an ultimatum and say "it's either your work/school/life or me!" (you'll lose) or toughen up.
  14. right on the money. you should just calm down, have a bowl and chill with some friends now that you have free time. My girl is the same way but when she makes time, I can truly appreciate it. Trust me, you dont want the clingy girlfriend experience.

  15. If you like to fuck, prepare to be fucked with.

    That said, maybe her and her friend haven't seen each other in a while or something.
    Im sure theres been times when you haven't seen her so you could chill with one of your mates, its no biggie.

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