Seriously, What the Fuck is the world coming to?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Taylored, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. Good for her. I wouldn't be surprised if were all getting fucked over by pricing.
  2. Her parents were probably affected by the depression and taught her not to waste anything. My great grandma, who's still alive is like this, she won't give anyone money or let anyone waste food, because she was part of the depression. I know it's crazy but they have a fear that it'll happen again.

  3. I too know people this way...crazy shit man...
  4. A lot of people like this...

    One time my grandma had old peanut butter, threw it out and got in shit...
    They have a lot of money too.
  5. I'm not racist or anything, but did the word "Jew" come to anybodies mind when they read the OP?
  6. >Mary Bach


    No, can't say I did.

  7. My grandma has a box of used batteries for this reason. Doesn't make much sense to me, what can you use a dead battery for?
  8. The point is not really about the .02 cent difference, but the fact that wally world has been doing this for years and on the grand scheme of things they are making a great profit off of it.Most people never check their reciept so they dont notice that they are being overcharged most of the time, whether it be from a .02 cent price difference or being charged for an extra item(usually cashier error).Somebody has to keep walmart in check
  9. LOL you guys are ridiculous. This wasn't some scam where Wal-Mart is trying to make a huge profit. Some shitty employees screwed up.

    This woman wasted hundreds, possibly thousands, of taxpayer dollars over a 2 cent mistake that Wal-Mart credited her for when pointed out.
  10. But they continued their scheme of scamming 2 cents from everyone who bought that item. over hundreds of in-store items that were sold at that, by the thousands of really adds up.

    Why should Corporations get this kind of benefit? Also, I guess you don't want tax payers going to court. Whoops.
  11. I never said walmart is doing this purposefully, but it has been going on for a looooong time, this was almost normal when i worked there in 2000-2001. How many stores does walmart have? Enough to make some serious coin.I saw it firsthand everyday! Also the overcharging happens way too often, not just in walmart, any store where you buy many items has this problem that is almost always overlooked. How often do you actually look at your reciept to find discrepencies? Most people dont do it at all or often.I do almost every time I shop at walmart and at least 80% of the time i find that I have been overcharged!
  12. Everyone is becoming sue crazy and ruining the US
  13. This is a situation where, if you don't sue them, you just let a corporation walk over you.

    If you do sue them, you're inviting people to question why you're suing someone over two cents.

    What I'm really wondering about though, is why the following word becomes blue: walmart. EDIT: apparently not for me. What's going on here?
  14. Guys, she only won 100$ and then had to pay 80$ in court cost.

    She's just practicing her rights.
  15. Hmmm.
    I have no comment to add here.
    Good day.
  16. this is what happens when you get old and have nothing to do
  17. lol thanks for your input
  18. Once again, there was no scam. Wal-Mart employees were simply too stupid/lazy to wait for the old product to run out before changing the price and stocking the shelves with the new sausage. Wrong? yes. Matter for the courts? Hell no. Only if they refused to charge her the lower price.

    The judge alone makes at least $82,000 per year salary. Add that to the bailiff, the stenographer, the multiple clerks required to handle all the paperwork, and other overhead that no one ever thinks about, and the suit cost the state far more than $80. That's simply the standard fees that she paid to file the lawsuit; it's not the actual cost to the state.
  19. I dont know why it turned blue.But when I scrolled my little arrow over the link it was associated with vigilink so blame them!

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