Serious T-Break Insomnia

Discussion in 'General' started by puffinonablunt, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. I really need some help with this. The last time I smoked was about two thursdays ago, and I am now sitting up at 4:20 am (lol) for my second sleepless night in a row. I have work in a few hours, and am in serious need of some sleep. I've seen threads about this before, but started a new one anyway. How can I sleep better????
  2. man i feel for you really.
    ive had insomnia for years, diagnosed and everything. the last two months have been hell since i got fired, ive been going to bed around around 6:30 am every morning. sometimes as late as noon the next day. mainly because i refuse to take medicine for any of my problems including sleeplessness. but any all natural sleep aid with melatonin and valerian root (among other things i cant remember) will work. you can find different ones at drug stores. one i used to use was called "sleep MD"

    hope this helps man, good luck

  3. ^this
  4. i completely feel you it's 5:30 a.m. right now and i'm still awake and last night was't any better. I've been to sleep study's been on all sorts of different medicines insomnia's a bitch. Melatonin doesn't do shit for me either nothing really works cept a few things that aren't allowed to be discussed on these forums anymore, and those can only be used temporary as you'd become dependant on them from long term use.

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